What do you think he meant by this?

"I know we're under time pressure but we run the risk of shipping something expensively broken."

To dispel the FUD to begin with, he also says: "I am not familiar with the details of this code...".

For reference, Samsondav is a newer dev with the Chainlink team. What did he mean about shipping? In dev speak this means a new release is coming. What did he mean about time pressure? If it were a simple version release, why would they be under so much time pressure? Why would it be potentially so expensive to fix?

Could it be "/////////////////////"?


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It means you can't sit on the toilet for 3 years when competition can put a product out in mere months.

His last line is the most bearish thing ive read in 3 years. Just market sold my stack.

No no sir, you can spend your entire life on the street.

Extremely bearish. I hold 10k and I'm not selling, but it's a painful reminder that this was never a sure thing and always has been a gamble. Will hold to 0 if it happens since I'm willing to take the gamble, it just sucks knowing this could easily fail.

You have an internal dev questioning the entire design of the system...if thats not bearish I dont know what else could be

Based street poster

first legitimate fud in years

Damn gonna sell my 10k stack now I guess 25x was all I was supposed to get :'(

>code rewrite

hello pleb

It is bearish no doubt. If I was broke and all my worth was in LINK this would terrify me. As it stands I have 10k link with 22k in cash in a bank account. I'm not threatened, but it hurts to see this.

I've been saying this a lot, smart money jumped ship @ 4,4~, next months will be swing trading untill capitulation @ ICO price

This is a horrifying development. An internal dev admitting that the entire Chainlink product is fundamentally broken? Fuck this, I'm out. Selling now.

Omg i knew it, sold my stack

I’m tethering up for now until this is cleared up.

Lmao at all the bears in here.
For anyone new reading this and getting scared: buy more Chainlink. May will be exciting.

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so is this fud stronger or weaker than a pornstar managing company funds

He is talking about a smartcontract,not about chainlink itself you absolute brainlet

codefag here elegant designs are good but not necessary more complexity more chance for buggy mess however if they know what they are doing it will be fine which it will considering chainlink went through security audits from outside


You have a dev questioning the entire design of the system and a former porn actress managing the majority of Chainlink funds. What could possibly go wrong?

It’s not literal time retards.
He’s referring to the time-complexity of the data structure. He’s saying it can be optimized, such that the network performs more optimally.

This is why you’re just anons lmao

>a dev questioning the entire design of the system
He's talking about that one contract system (fluxaggregator) you derp.

Almost decent FUD this time discord trannies

Dont forget to dilate , wouldnt want that axe wound healing up.

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its probably nothing that cant be fixed but compared to past fud this is a disaster

this too lmao

Sure thing Rory

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Either way. NEW PARADIGM!

See and If you think this is "a disaster" it just shows how extremely new you are.
At the end of 2017 they had to rewrite EVERYTHING from Ruby to Go.