/smg/ - Stock Market General

Bulls Edition

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>Live Bloomberg Stream

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Wall streets bets made me 500 dollars today

how to make money on stonks?

why do other OPs keep forgetting to put the sticky in

they are doing it on purpose because they are trying to "raid" us from some weeb discord. just ignore their posts

They're not forgetting, it's intentional.

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Rate my folio.

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What's a good swing stock like BA??




I may be poor, but at least I’m not stupid. Every extra penny I earn is going into oil. Won’t be poor in a year from now :3

So uhm.. Is Plus500 okay for beginners? I keep seeing these reviews and comments pop up claiming it's a scam? I already have some open positions, though. Is it worth switching to another broker after all?

FANG. OK. The rest is shit.
>no TOT
>no CVX
>no EPD
>no ENB
>no PSX
>no COP

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it's literally one sperg who thinks he is le ebic master trolle xDDD

Is trump gunna save USO? p...please

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Fuck this clown market

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>The company is headquartered in Israel

uh bro

It’s just one faggot
It’s one faggot who hates anime and spergs out saying anime is for trannies.

I bought SPY 292 calls for this Friday at yesterday's lows, why the fuck aren't they printing?

please f off

you might make some money by friday

because SPY isnt going to 292 this friday

I think I'll switch to calls till we get to 300 sp


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when can i buy mcd? it's obviously going down again right guys? guys?

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fuck this fake nigger market
SPY freefalls at 3. You've been warned.
game genie code: entered

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its the only restaurant in town open for breakfast besides the 9 fucking dognuts

don't do it nigger DON'T YOU DO IT

>SPY Volume 51,162,708
>Avg. Volume 170,291,855

Whats going on bros

S&P break up or down? I'm thinking down.

we're literally at the 200 1hr SMA, getting rejected on multiple time frames what are you doing

he is also on nofap. and has added nothing but retarded pol stances.

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As much as I want this to happen, it's not happening

YUM broke out of its shell today

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>game genie
Damn That's some oldfag shit

the vix curve is flattening. it usually does this before reversal frens.

The world is going to be totally back to normal this year, absolutely no reason to be a bear.

Every bad thing you can think of has been priced and and accounted for, except this time we have lower rates on the way up.

Bears are going to kill them selves.

idk user, i'm broken, capitulated, devastated, rekt

Wtf is going on with USO?

At 1:58 pm est the volume just instantly went to 0 and still hasnt changed

I cant find any news on why it stopped trading.

ahhh yeah, game genie... now those were the days of gaming. infinite ammo? heh, sure... just gotta get a game genie and the codebook...

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The nasdaq is literally unstoppable

Bull Chad checking in. Shout out to my HAL pals out there!

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LCI to $60

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this. it's a raid by the weeb pedos that post a lot on Yas Forums

Whenever you see someone post anime girls, call them out for making multiple threads


Reminder to buy

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Decay ate all your profit. Always buy options 50% longer than you expect to hold them unless you're absolutely set on selling it within the day.

Never a good thing either

>nasdaq also looks like it hits upper limit of upper channel of downtrend around 3 or 4

Miners absolutely on fire.

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I nearly got assigned a SPY put kek. Thanks Schwab for duplicating my stop-limit so I sold an ITM put expiring today to open at 2:20pm.

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Mortgage REITs getting hammered down on a green day. Goldman must know something that they aren't telling us.

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big green and i'm buyin puts
i said
big red line and i'm buyin calls
i said
big green and i'm buyin puts
i said
big red line and i'm buyin calls
i said

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Oh yeah, PMI only collapsed about uhhhh 25% globally. Priced in!

the year is 2020.
the resource that is required to drive automobiles, move armies, and fly planes is now worth less than water.
phone apps that let thots stick dog tongues out of their mouth for tinder pics is worth more than Ford, the company that revolutionized factory assembly lines.
the year is 2020.

Not yet. They've still got another 10% to lose.

>buying out of the money calls when everyone is expecting the market to tank along with high volatility
Ok retard. Why the fuck would it go to 292? The fucking economy is a dumpster fire.

yes nasdaq is crazy

yes market will go very high closer to eoy but right now we still consolidating and likely see pull backs soon, some meat for bears too

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They are completely legit, the reason people call brokers "scams" is because they don't read up on the rules for the brokerage they decide to use, which ends in them getting fucked in some way. Back in 2016 or something I read that plus500 had an inactivity fee which I personally don't like and plus500 is an CFD platform so.. do some research. They are not a "scam" though, they handle like 2 million transactions on a monthly basis

Time to long JPM


>the resource that is required to drive automobiles, move armies, and fly planes is now worth less than water.
Good :)

JNUG - best buy lately.
PE - second best buy.
HPE - fucking me hard.
MLPA - nearly doubled.
HTGC - went pants on head retarded past few days.

How bad is your asshole being ripped apart right now you fucking idiot?

Laugh at this pathetic bear!

Look at those huge green dildos right now, and it’s not gonna stop.

Spread em for me you fucking NIGGER

hearty kek

Just liquidated all my NET to go all in BA. I think I’m just going to hold my position now (pic related) until the end of the week. If war breaks out, I’ll be rich.

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Busting your balls. I am in XOM, HAL, and RDSb for oil rn.

The year is 2020, an Iranian missile crisis and impeachment of a president were the two most calm periods of the year


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I didn't say right now friend

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WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CLOWN MARKET DOING? I dumped on open yesterday which was a decent enough decision at the time because everything I had dropped afterwards. But now it‘s poomping right back up again for no reason.
Can this shit please decline for more than one day? This is ludicrous.

RTX is an explosive you retarded sperg

Not bad for holding these for a month, except NGT held for a week and a half

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should have waited until they tanked on earnings

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What fucking war are you larping is going to happen?

I learned a trick. When the S&P looks dumb, just put meme lines on the VIX to know where it's going!

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But it's literally priced in.



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What date?