What happens when we die, seriously?
What happens when we die, seriously?
All of your investments go to $0
Heaven if you weren't a Jew or degenerate.
you are dead, gone forever, your mind is gone too, in short, NOTHING
Ask 42
Samsara or liberation
You will be like before you were born
we finally wake up
You literally cannot die from your point of view. Ever had that moment when you could almost have died from a simple mistake, but survived? Like, hit by a car but you moved a little bit faster? Well, you actually died, but your conscious moved to the alternate universe where you didn't die. Nobody knows how long you can live because nobody has ever really died. Quantum immortality.
You go to Heaven if you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior or you go to eternal hell if you disobeyed his rules
Sweet fucking relief. I can't wait.
You take a little more crypto out of circulation.
(((They))) siphon off your gains, if you have any, and pass any debts to your successors
Wow, I kinda thought of that myself once. Is there a name for this belief?
You are reborn as a pajeet or a dindu
No more pain
Quantum immortality user. I put it in the post
Remember what things were like before you were born? Yeah it’s a lot like that
You become a shitcoin, others will trade you trying to become rich.
You become a spooky gost
What even is nothing? We came from "nothing" remember? We have no fucking clue seriously, if we're not in a simulation which i really doubt we aren't i think what consciousness is like the potential of matter to arrange in a form that makes a computational structure to observe itself so in other words when we "die" that potential, structure, network or whatever it is merges with the other matter that is we become one with earth and the universe as we were once as "Stardust"! man the depth of the mind is really something else, i don't know if this answers your question but it's something to think about..
Thanks mane. I didn't know if it was a term you made up for something that might have existed in some religious tradition earlier.
That's pretty fucking cool, man. I had a bit of a psychotic episode once and kinda thought this concept up myself while I was out driving. "Man, I almost crashed... maybe I DID and I died, but I just can't experience the version of the universe where that happened."
you shit yourself very hard
i think the same way
What happens when you eventually die of old age?
It doesn't make sense to say 'when' we die. That isn't a point in time.
You may as well ask 'what colour is death'? It isn't. Any conception you have of what happens 'when' we die is as much mortal cope as thinking that black is the colour of death.
The conditions for your existence are eternal and unchanging. The events of your life, which take place within time, cannot change this.
Every life is eternally 'occurring', and simultaneously no two lives can overlap. If they could overlap, they would be one life, and the principle would be affirmed nonetheless.
And you must ask yourself what you mean by 'we' or 'myself', in essential terms. It doesn't refer to anything other than the substratum for phenomenological existence itself, that which is shared by all life.
Thus, we are all one, eternally. There is no death, there is eternal life. But this eternal life is not heaven. It is simply the totality of being, which must always be occurring. It cannot end, nor can it change.
The undead curse means you will resurrect, but if over the span of time you lose hope then you will become hollow and perhaps sent to a place of confinement to await the end of the world.
Cute female morticians laugh at your corpse's penis
i also believe in quantum immortality, but i also realise it's just a coping mechanism desu
still 100x better than believing in a bearded scammer from 2000 years ago
I remember the bizonacci episode where bogdanoff activated quantum immortality
Just like before you were born
The big secret is that there’s really only One of us here. When we die we all wake up as that same One. What you perceive to be reality is actually just yourself, projected out from the One consciousness into a torus of light. “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”
There is only the One and the illusion of something else other than the One. The One beholds His own image in the Light in order to know His Self.
Know thy self.