/smg/ - Stock Market General

Snabby snab edition

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

>Stock market Words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

>Risk Management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Live Bloomberg Stream

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Other urls found in this thread:


*sells butterfly spreads*
ty citizen snips

Why is it called, bear, bull and crab? They don't even trade stocks!

Thank god an actual thread not full of reddit faggots

threadly reminder to report that one autist for spam

because you touch yourself at night



Bullshit. You think crabs can't bear the risk?

Sorry friend, you just made this thread by mistake. I already made a new /smg/ located here:

To reduce board spam, please use the threads in order of creation:

Thoughts on SPCE? I'm thinking of going long

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I'm from WSB.


Do not go to that thread. It was created by a reddit fucking cancer

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stay in your containment thread and stop posting here
you r/wsb fags fuck up the vibe

Oh god we're doing this bullshit again?

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Is the US about to go to war? It’s time to vote.


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Sorry friend, other shit-thread is made by wsbretard who can't even paste the thread contents in new thread.
>go fuck yourself retard

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I am bullish on SPCE


How do I learn to buy more and more of a stock even though it already doubled in price?

I have like reverse FOMO.

>make a thread when the last one hits the bump limit
>this guy loses his marbles

I am mind breaking this guy day by day.

Friendly Reminder of the real thread:

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Im blasting off bros, hope I hit the moon

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Nice try, USO

USO you fucking nigger just go below 2.50.

just report and ignore him

If they do, i will fucking bomb their bases in my country. I'm sick of these assholes shitting all over the world and dragging us into their inane bullshit wars. Behead Bush and i might even forgive your last falseflag.

this was never a problem until now, what changed? Yas Forumstards came over?

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hateful reminder:
fuck you. this is the real thread

Real thread
Real thread
Real thread
Real thread
Real thread
Real thread


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wrong, do not go to that thread

report all these wsb faggots

you think crabs got these sick ass sexy claws for nothing? Snipping and snabing bulls balls and bears testicales are their profession

I hate these fucking retards so much.

thanks, forgot.

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Yas Forumstards at least comprehend continuous generals since there are many there, reddit retards clearly don't, so that's my interpretation. I just filter as soon as the retard gets baited and then the thread is comfy again

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it's r/wsb fags
Yas Forums understands how generals work

How do I filter the reddit niggers?

Real thread
Real thread
Real thread
Real thread
Real thread

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Real thread
Real thread
Real thread

if you have to ask, you have to go back

Fake news USO

In the thread, filter the ID. Best you can do sadly.

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What the fuck is up with this no volume bullshit

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Hey guys r/wsb refugee here. What are we buying puts on today? SPY looks poised for another drop.

I report it every time

No. Even Yas Forumstards. As idiotic as they are, tend to respect the generals. Dunno what this dudes problem is. He was making literally dozens of threads last night for some reason.
USO is down 11% which is bringing the predictions that the fund could go insolvent into being as it's no longer tracking oil like it should. VIX is down to 41 which means that the volatility is dropping off.
My choice stocks have been tailing back to their open levels as well.
Kind of a boring day on the street.

new bull market

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Just bought some Russell 2000 puts.

Honestly small cap is absolutely going down. There is no way around it. These are all shitty zombie companies barely keeping their heads above water as is.

No, our trade deal with china is very juicy. the golden arches should apply. Trump is a President of peace and seems to rightfully be shafting literally everyone, magically.

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I have board wide filters for "Link, Chainlink, linkies" etc that gets rid of the threads but I havent figured out how to get rid of individual cancerous polyps,

What am I missing?

Guys, the other one was made first. Just use it and use this second. Why did you even make a second thread?

Real thread
Real thread
Real thread

Why would anyone buy right now?

>Retard tells me DEAC is a bad buy
>Already up 4% from when I was shilling it

in the nu-market you aren't allowed to sell your stonks, the fed will take them off your hands at the ask

Ehh I figure if it's too small the gains just dont seem worth the risk. If im gonna risk i migjt as well go in with a thousand or 3.

Posting here too cause theres crybabies moaning about the sticky in the other one in case ur not over there.

It's not Yas Forums. They were here during the crash along with the other boards and it wasn't nearly as bad. This is outside.

imagine the sequence of decisions that led a human being to this point

Who's your broker?

Just ignore them and they'll go away

Why user it's the max level autistic HOA homeowner control freaks getting butthurt.

The OP is empty on that one fuck off.

>when you bought spy puts

Bro the other thread was made first and the OP of this one made another on purpose

Just use one at a time and everyone stop sperging

Real thread
Real thread
Real thread

It's the AAAH porfolio.

>max level autistic HOA homeowner control freaks

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Because it bounced off a key level. Because it's going up. Because VIX is going down. Because they don't want to be broke before the real crash starts. Because they want more money to short the top with.

NDAQ puts are the real weird shit, shit's down 2% and my $105 puts barely moved.

>changing IP to spam your shitty thread
Big yikes.

>Being this new.

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Being first doesn't matter if you can't even make the general correct you buttblasted plebbit faggot


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Learn proper risk management. You can have 10 feelings that double your capital and one wrong feeling that brings you down to nothing, that's not a winning move. Much better to get 10% on each of the 10 trades and only -2% on the one you fail. With proper risk management and enough trading over time, you end up with a virtually unkillable position, OR you exit the trading game with more than half your money left knowing it's just not for you.

You should be on medication. You're unwell.

You should have been here last night. The guy who gets mad and makes duplicate /smg/ threads after one is already made turned on a VPN and made 8 /smg/ threads and posted porn everywhere

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thoughts bros?

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