New Smart Contract Logo

You guys like the new logo? Pretty stinky right?

Attached: FD2FD60B-95BD-4E3B-8566-4E10A27CA037.png (750x1334, 388.88K)

Im thinking we are all going to make it

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Attached: chain-logo.04205b59.png (1000x300, 10.82K)

flipped and rotated. top kek

FUCKFUCKFUCK it was Chain's Link all along!


Attached: 9A264684-ABBF-4BB0-927A-58CD244BCFC5.jpg (591x448, 26.83K)

considering the google partnership was confirmed fake and the team exposed as fraudulent liars...

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 8.40.49 AM.png (1162x1176, 404.79K)

>tfw you were part of a worldwide meme magic ritual to summon the mark of the Link

Attached: 21C3CCE0-1B67-4295-BC85-F99527D5071F.jpg (300x168, 2.97K)

can you stop posting this on every link thread? its old and bad like you

ok Aden, chill

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LOL was gonna post this.

happy i took a 40x on link. even rebought 50K down at $2, but eh. the gains are over and it's time to compound.

50/50 ARPA + GRIN now.

You probably bought BAND

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>Google employee confirms the Google partnership was fake and the team committed marketing fraud
>Linkers: This is bullish!

Nice trips, but you‘re wrong and should kys

this is quite interesting guys, looks like Chain was bought by Stellar, and IC3 companies have changed in recent years
you're a retard/newfag/fudding

Attached: 49 - ltoh9Qu.jpg (2160x1470, 308.02K)

we all know you bought high and sold LINK at a loss. deal with it


remember those days when a logo redesign would give us a 10x?

obviously Chainlink knew about Chain.
btw Visa was working with IBM and Chain for their B2B payments system. now they will probably just use whatever is in IC3 now, I doubt they will use Stellar

Attached: Annotation 2020-04-22 102751.jpg (583x372, 46K)

Check’d and kek’d. This fud is the weakest shit yet. Im sure some 19 year old gook knows the inner workings of the chainlink and google partnership.

What's Chain?
There's not a lot of ways to illustrate two interlocked hexagons, or to make a hexagon look like a S. But yeah that logo is awful similar.
Notable difference (besides the rotation and mirror): the points on the "cut" links are opposite. On the Smartcontract logo they're flat on the outside, on the Chain logo they're V-shaped.

the fuck are you smoking lmfao

>Rink is scam! Prease no buy rink lound eyes! I buy rink at 1 dorrar!
>i is important google emproyee!

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check out my last 2 posts. this is intentional, whether that has any significance or not, idk

Attached: EIkpDMdXUAER7Ac.jpg (750x797, 62.93K)

Similar but not the same

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That's exactly what i was thinking.

>On the Smartcontract logo they're flat on the outside, on the Chain logo they're V-shaped
true. the similarity could be coincidence, but maybe it was too similar when Chain still existed

these people are so fucking disingenuous.
