I'll start boys.
>27 years old
>net worth >5k
>shitty factory job $13/hr
>bossy woman and bratty kid
>not allowed to spend very much
>what I am allowed to spend I lose on options and she thinks I'm a retard
>I am
Wasted Life General /wlg/
Reskill into something else
>>what I am allowed to spend I lose on options and she thinks I'm a retard
how do people like you manage have gf's and i don't?
You're smarter.
get out normie reeeeee
I lowered my standards due to extreme levels of depression. Honestly though user It's all so overrated. If you really want a girlfriend that bad just date a fatty. There is no shortage.
>net worth 400k
>55 an hour
>fuck a qt jap girl weekly
No life is wasted user.
Except abortions and child prostitutes of course
I thought OP was talking about his mom
>Can gamble entire paycheck and do so on all kind of shitcoins
>Got severe ptsd tho from fucked up shit from way before the army but the job made it way worse
>Don't give a single shit about winning or losing I never sold a single coin it's just an expensive game to me at this point
>Nothing matters to me besides of the soothing thought that death shall free me from this nightmare one day
>Can't read a book without a word triggering flashbacks
>Only scams can keep the thoughts at bay
>One day Ill die and it will be better than living
>what I am allowed to spend I lose on options
your essential options trader
>Doing some shitty online community college program
>Hardily even doing it, mostly just playing Minecraft all day
>No job, basically neet
>Lift every other day so I have sizable muscles
>Swing trade in the market because it is fun
>Watching the Martin Shkreli finance lessons because I am genuinely interested
>Only have to study or work on things I'm actually passionate about
>Wouldn't have it any other way
If you're going to waste your life, do it in style. I am finally happy for the first time in my entire life and it is because I stopped doing everything everybody told me I had to do to be happy.
I want to make it so bad guys. I try my best to learn as much as I can but I'm just so burnt out from the pointlessness of it all. I wage all day for fucking nickels and then I go home and have to do tons of shit like change my brakes myself because I'm too poor to go to a shop. I just feel like I have no time to truly pursue a better life. They got me in the cycle for real here.
>about a year from dating a fatty.
Help. Please.
Ok. We got
Can we get
how does someone even meet or date a fatty?
>most autistic guy in my entire company
>get 11,50€ after tax as an Electrical Engineer(at least healthcare is included)
>company charges 100€ for 1h of my work
>haven't talked to a female in 6 months
at least i can get a scholarship in 1,5 years and go to university for free abn get 850 bux on top
at least you are able to do that
Beat me faggots
>20 yo
>top 5 school graduate
>don't want to pursue postgrad opportunities
>just rented an apartment for the past year and read all day and shitpost for one hour
my professors and parents are all very disappoint in me and are saying I'm wasting my talents. Whenever I talk to someone from school, childhood friends, they always talk about how I'm blowing up my life. I let Yas Forums do this to me.
The rest of you losers are nobodies who no one cares about wasting their life. Whenever I interact with someone from my former social circle, they tell me I've wasted my life every time.
>If you really want a girlfriend that bad just date a fatty. There is no shortage.
That might have been true 10 years ago. Now even the fatties want chad. You'll have to settle for literal cripples and retards. You best option might be trannies
There we go.
>650k net worth
>no gf
>700k net worth
top 5 in what, you could have been in one of the top 5 Japanese studies school, and besides becoming a professor yourself, this wouldn't yield you any proper opportunities
how about you dilate you fucking normie and go back to plebbit
Whats the matter you shitworlder poojeet brainlet? These words too big for you? Tranny retard bitch on discord why don't you.
top 5 school in America (Harvard, Yale...)
I think you hit a bingo. Read your card back to me and we'll see if you get a prize.
>Can't read a book without a word triggering flashbacks
and i thought i was fucked up
im also plagued with flashbacks but now days they are just annoying rather then painful
if you haven't built a proper social network there, that can pull you out of this, its on you
even i have gotten an internship at intel trough one of my former school friends, but that doesn't matter now since the department i interned in, has been closed when their mobile division was sold to apple
never give up your dreams user
doesn't matter what situation you are in
the most important thing for you right now is not get carried away by your emotions
patience and cool mind are your tickets to success