Is you face attractive?
Is you face attractive?
Some girl on Tinder just said yesterday I look like a more attractive version of the guy in Hunger Games. I'm 29. I'll take it. My facial symmetry is on point and my face is masculine enough but not Chad tier. I'm probably like a 7.25 if 5 is considered average. She was only 20. I've also been told I look like Christian Slater and Cilian Murphy. Facial symmetry and a decent jaw line does wonders. Face/hair seems to beat out body for a lot of girls although I'm working on that as well. I grow facial hair well too, I get more compliments on that than anything. I keep it trim around half an inch, but it comes in full and not patchy anywhere. I also have shoulder length hair now as well
my mom says i'm handsome. Your mom has never turned around to look at my face so I have no idea.
occasionally, mostly not
Yes, very
Im good looking but Im lazy so I dont get laid as much as I could....
I guess so, because the asian girls I fuck tell me to take the condom off
>my mom says i'm handsome.
Mine says that too, even though I'm ugly as fuck.
Yeah, honestly it helps as a entrepreneur/salesmen.
I swear to god 90% of people overestimate their own attractiveness by 1-2 points, post face or gtfo.
no. /thread
Ugly faggot Jew
Yes but I went bald at 20
I'm a straight up 7 out of 10 but because I played in a band for years I was basically elevated to God tier and remained there ever since.
No but at least im not bald
your mom says I am attractive.
that's the funny part of walking the milf way, made some friends seethe
This, truth hurts.
No Im a solid 4 and wear glasses. Thankfully I don't believe I have reached facial aesthetics yet, consider my dad and his brothers all looked alpha in their 30s
Yes, even though I have a crooked nose
Well yes most people just say rate themselves above average that is known. However most of us here are honest with ourselves and even in my example I posted what other people said I looked like. Posting your face here is a no no so heres my body, pic is about 2 months old I gotta get back to that but Im close. Need to focus on chest, adonis belt area, and delts/shoulders a bit more, but for my weight I was strong as fuck at my peak. Manlet 5"10 around 145lb, shooting for 155-160. I have a hard time gaining weight. High metabolism and I don't digest most carbs well unfortunately
I'm not horribly ugly, but sadly, I'm naturally scary looking. I really have to clean myself up before going in public, and even then nobody maintains eye contact without looking like they might shit themselves.
you're built for endurance, i have the same body
just build up your upper body (and probably legs) a little more and you'll be good, nice core btw
I feel like the joke of the post is going over everyones heads.
no but i still do ok
You can't properly rate your own attractiveness accurately without studying what actually makes people attractive.
Your torse also matters jack shit since you'll be wearing a shirt outside 99% of the time. Only arms, delts and neck considerably add to your attractiveness.
pic related is my ugly 6/10 face, my jaw is decent but my eye area and midface are dogshit.
I have no idea. I would post a picture, but i'm afraid you guys would tell me i'm 2/10 so it would crush me.
Nobody here has had sex before.
Wasted jawline
i'm a commercial model so i guess i have a pretty symetrical face and also a nice smile, that's the most important i guess
Yes,once I get to actually decent bf
yes it's sad, i'd be an absolute uber chad with hunter eyes. genetic recombination can be cruel sometimes.
Thanks bro I agree definitely endurace body type...I'm trying it can be easy to fall out of routine, especially with how everything went to shit lately. I've finally accumulated all the necessary equipment to work out at home now so I should be set. I have pairs of kettle bells( my favorites) 15 through 35lbs in intervals of 5lb, a bench for pressing that inclines, belt for weighted calisthenics, a tower where I can do pull ups, push ups, dips, and knee raises for core, and finally an elliptical so I get some kind of cardio. I want a way to do full range muscle ups in my apartment, I've been trying to map out a way to build something but I'm not sure its doable with how the ceiling is.
Its been too easy lately to sit around online and do nothing. I also stopped do THC concentrates 2 months ago which I noticed gave me motivation to exercise since I felt good already and I could go longer not feeling the fatigue. I might start microdosing instead but my mental clarity has been on point and I lucid dream again frequently. Its so hard to find a middle ground with everything.