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dare I say, BOGGED?
How did these twisted freaks get so internet famous? Asking for a quick rundown
Unironically it started as a lefty/pol/ meme specifically designed to countersignal Jew exposure by making up an intentionally ridiculous alternate "theory" to ridicule the idea its Jews to begin with, and you guys have no idea about anything political so you fell for it 100%.
Ok Mr. Digits, what’s the true story? Did the Bogs do 911?
not true even in the slightest you absolute obseased retard. it started as a Yas Forums meme related to the markets
Theyre just some rich autists who live in France who have eccentric characters that make them appropriate for their own meme.
Ok Mr. BIDF, I’m on to you now
No. It started on Yas Forums long before it was here and it wasnt related to markets, it was a meme where leftists blame the bogs instead of Jews and it just slipped into place for market manipulation because Jews do it. Jews manipulate markets. It was on Yas Forums back to like 2014.
it is a joke making fun of how absurd your stupid theories are
Stay asspained, youre just mad you got played by the communists who make spergy threads you hate all day. Its a meme to countersignal exposing Jews.
There was nothing lefty about it, it was just anons taking the piss with absurd humor
Yea and the freemasons are just a club for guys who drink beer.
all that remains is the hope that all of this ends quickly.
>sucks the life and power out of the Bogdanoffs
nothing personal, kid
Nice try Grisha.
what explains Yas Forums's fascination with oddly-faced people?
schizos get the rope
>forced, beyond our will
To whom do the Bogdanoffs bow to?
>he bought
OK Jew.
Yas Forums is full of ugly males in their early/mid 20 who are balding, don't have a chin, fat/skinny and so on.
Does he look, dare I say it, less bogged? Seems like the lack of available facial fillers is doing his face a world of good.
Waste of digits
How do wh!te people get this pale?
You’ve made Jews the center of your life. Pretty pathetic.
Youve made sucking cock and defending atrocities the center of your life. Neck yourself.
>they really just own tons of bitcoin and have absolutely memeable faces