/smg/ - Stock Market General

V recovery edition.

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>It's not the bottom!
>do not buy!
>bad things are going to happen!

>meanwhile everyday I watch oil stocks get higher and higher and I haven't bought them

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Futures are up. Looking to be a green day, today,

Dollar cost average beats trying to buy the bottom every time

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why the fuck isn't uso dead

SP500 straight up trading 2.10% plus after opening.

What has changed compared to yesterday? Ahhh yeah, more shit occured, therefore bullish and priced in.

Market is fucked worse then Piper Perri in a room full of black guys. Hyper deflation is just starting, the FED has printed over $6,000,000,000,000 of US dollars in the last month. Oils fucked for a couple months, gold will probably see a temporary pull back as margin calls start to happen, but long term probably a good bet. (see 08) Liquidate your stock holdings ASAP and move into puts, bonds and precious metals for a year. This market will be kill over the next 6 months, no stock will be safe. Good luck

Collapse of another industry which is bullish.
Housing next, so we might get a +5% day.

This looks very bubbelish to me, like we're in the return to normal of the return to normal

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>Hyper deflation is just starting, the FED has printed over $6,000,000,000,000 of US dollars in the last month.
true, however the "no matter the cost" strategy the FED is currently following creates optimism in the markets so no one pays mind to deflation. the reckoning will come if/when a major bankruptcy happens. realistically, I can't see that happening in the next few months, so no point in fighting the market during that time frame.

This. Go long if you want but it would be stupid not to trade with this volatility.

So what do you think, bottom line - A V shaped recovery followed by a crash and hyperinflation?

>Hyper deflation is just starting, the FED has printed over $6,000,000,000,000 of US dollars in the la
Almost all of that is going to paying corporate debt. It is effectively being destroyed almost as soon as it is being printed. This will not have as much of an inflationary effect as you think.

>mfw I panic sold DPZ 380c 5/15 yesterday for 16$
>mfw its 28$ today
Why do I do this to myself? Why the fuck do I doubt my vibe?

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Stop using money you can't afford to lose, it's the reason you're panic selling at the first sign of trouble

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USO dropping!

please be kill soon

I don't really understand experts desu. Yesterday USO was going to zero and the world of crude was in for nothing but trouble for months on end but now that it's a green day crude is back baby, v shape recovery, all is right. CNBC feels a lot like smg when the market turns even the tiniest little bit everyone whips out the corresponding picture of a bull/crab/bear

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yeah probably, I don't think we've reached the bottom yet and this crisis will continue for longer than people think

Can you imagine what this market would look like without Short Sale Restrictions?

Feeling bearish might buy some shorts

that's what you get for listening to the retards on here

That is how all market pundits work.
DOW +1%, crisis averted, lives saved, dicks everywhere grow by 3 inches
DOW -1%, world is ending, millions are dying, the Seventh Seal hath been broken

SPY trying to stay alive like a half-dead cockroach
someone finish this fucker.

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Wait, WTF. I can't lose money on this trade!??!

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Not seeing a lot of movement on those June oil futures.

I told you people to buy & hold all OIL related stocks. But no.
You greedy people wanted to wait for them to dip lower, and lower. Trying to chase the bottom.
What fucking difference does a few cents on a share make when you already know its going to bounce back & you’re guaranteed to get a 50-70% economic return, + dividends?
Hope you all had fun missing out

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>busting actual nuts over a 3% dead cat

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is this a fucking meme or something?
>everyday someone posts this bullshit

>later virgins, me and my $200 of oil stocks are laughing all the way to the bank

Imaging longing a dying ETF like SPY rather than delicious, nutritious cunny.

Also that fag from yesterday spent 18 hours straight “trolling” top kek

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>muh dead cat MUH meme mascots
Go buy some crypto, faggot

Dude you have like $200 you are wasting your time

It's largely true that HFTs and large firms take retails money but I think opportunities exist because there are some trades that large firms can't get into due to position sizing.

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>Go buy some crypto, faggot
project much?
i don't play the crypto lotto, boomer.
hey, wanna buy some contracts?

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this market is going full retard mode fuck this crabbing bs

>Yas Forums intelligence

He should wait...

Bought 5 grand worth of Spirit at $12.92.
Hold me bros

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no they literally wont let you execute it

Why? Why would anyone do this?
The irony.

I have no sympathy for someone this reckless.

There’s quauntists that use algorithmic models that analyze trends and make trades over several days. There’s still a lot of oppurtunity I think.

"i've lost it all"
only if he sold it...

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All he has to do is double down

That's what you get for browsing reddit.

>this crab action
I can't believe I woke up for this
Spy 280 or 270 eow?

all right fellas i've never done this before, how do i turn $300 into slightly more than $300?

Flat all week. Only movement will be in after-hours or pre-market, and every other day will cancel out the preceding day's close.

Knee pads.


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>been this way most of the week

>Spy 280 or 270 eow?