Will the economy be as bad as it was in 2008?

Own a small retail business, will the economy be as bad as it was in 2008?

What can we expect?

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2008 was a walk in the park

Yeah. We’re looking at a 18% unemployment right now, thats expected to hit 30.
On the flip side, houses will get cheap as people are defaulting left and right on loans right now.

Once lockdowns are lifted those unemployment numbers will drop significantly.


Small businesses are kill

Our elites hate them

this. sorry faggot doomers. world isnt going to turn into one of your post apocalyptic videogames

do explain, lockdowns are temporary the economy will rebound fast

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user, i...

do tell

No. That was a massive financial issue caused by the banks.

The economy was in good place before this virus. It's going to suffer as a result, but it's literally because of the virus and nothing else. Some say stocks were overvalued, but that's already been corrected. Imagine this happened in 2010. Then we'd be absolutely fucked

a nigger isnt president so no

Economy is not an on/off switch.
To break your leg takes a second, to heal though...
Now if you severely wound your spinal cord, good luck.
Good luck.

>magically new jobs will jump out of thin air

What if it's a clown world

what, people can't get their old jobs back?

Perfect analogy right there. The time and cost of rehiring all these laid off is going to be a huge on the economy, and that is going to slow consumer demand. The economy is a giant perpetual motion machine that is literally never supposed to stop. If it's shutdown, it takes a long time to get all the parts running in sync again.

so nothing is broken, it's just slowed down. got it.

Oh we are in it absolutely.
So someone is going to have huge returns in the face of the misery of LOT of people.

when will it be mine turn for returns

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Non of these Depression meme retards can ever explain this. They just spout out shit they hear from Peter Schiff.

>the economy will never ever heal from this and will be like a broken spinal cord
Great analogy, retard.

I have a higher IQ than you

This shit is literally unprecedented, so really no one can be certain either way. Plus who knows, what if we restart and there is a second wave? What about next flu season? We’re in uncharted water for sure.

People will want to go to McDonalds and get a haircut again, wagie. Sorry your eternal NEET dreams aren't going to come to fruition

Then the President would be an incompetent TV host who unironically said he would pardon the Tiger King just for the "lol's" as the economy crumbles.

>there are retards that still think this is about the virus
>there are retards that still think this is a recession/ depression
Don’t be retarded you faggots. (((They))) have been planning this for a long time and using the virus as a cover. Why do you think they are pushing for digital dollar and ID2020? This is an economic reset.

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It’s a domino effect. You can’t just put an economy on pause because of all the consequences and ripples it has.

You also can’t just take out entire months’ worth of productive work from around the world without creating shortages and lower demand, which spills over into all sectors.

Governments can’t just make the money printer go BRRRRRRR without high inflation from the increased money supply. Go ahead and make minimum wage $15 because it’s going to have the buying power of $8 in two years, anyway.

The economic numbers right now look like another Great Depression is on the way. 15% official unemployment in the USA and as high as 40% in other countries are worse in some ways.

First world governments embarrassing themselves and vulnerable supply chains falling apart won’t help matters, either.

the GDP figures aren't even in yet
but even when they come I have no idea what the fuck is going to happen

interest rates are fucking 0%

Attached: CapGDPGravity'.jpg (866x1295, 58.98K)

>as bad
this is still the 2008 crash but the global reserves have just pumped trillions into the economy to make you feel better

There have been worse flu's that didn't cause a depression. Also the more people get infected and then healed the less likely it'll spread after they've been healed. A lot of people will still still do social distancing, hand washing, avoiding crowds etc and these policies will stay for the timing being as well.
People are already getting tired of the quarantine and republicucks would rather die for the steinsberg than to stay another month of quarantine for $1200.

Attached: 1918_spanish_flu_waves.gif (600x308, 7.85K)

>he thinks companies hire in less than a weeks time
>he doesnt know about the wait period after applying
>he doesnt know about the personality test after applying
>he doesnt know about the 3 month long period from applying to interviewing to being told theyre interested
>he doesnt know about the half month to month long background check period
>tl;dr he doesnt know about the 3+ month long period from going unemployed to employed

it will be much worse