Help me faggots.
What is the stock market, why does the green line go up and when, why does it go down, how to invest at 16 and how to get rich as shit
Complete fucking beginner zoomer
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You will now be banned from Yas Forums, goodbye.
just buy link and hold, any info after that is superfluous to requirements
Invest your attention in Christ's way
AFTER the upcoming crash in a couple months. buy on the next dip for like 10% profit maybe
You need to be 18+ to post here. Never say your underage bro. Also look at the stock market general on here and look at the links they have. Stocks can be very complicated expect a lot of reading but is well worth it if you play the game right. Good luck!
thank you user
why link
Neck yourself faggot
You are obviously a newfag if you fall for this LINK bait
It's a proven scam and just a meme
We are all at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkles in every glass and soft laughter falls upon the summer air. We know, by the rules, that at some moment the Black Horsemen will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors. Those who leave early are saved, but the ball is so splendid no one wants to leave while there is still time, so that everyone keeps asking “What time is it? What time is it?” but none of the clocks have any hands.
I would like to remind everybody that bitcoin is now trading under the ticker symbol BSV, The bitcoin protocol has now been set in stone and that network and only that network is globally scalable and growing with ever more usecases appearing and being developed. If you do want to leave the party please take that carriage, as all other carriages except physical gold and eventually silver will soon turn into onions... I´m already hearing hoofbeats coming, negative oil is just one of those beats, prepare for more.
Chainlink and anything build on ethereum wont survive either, first the patents and second the patents, Clients and "allies/partners" will jump ship if they see that risk outweigh costs to just change underlying protocol happened before IP4 came out victorious.
BTC might survive, but surely just as a speculation toy, not as anything serious like cash to cash transfer anymore, demonstrated it these days.
Anyway, no, no company is going to institute BTC or therefore go financially into BTC, there is just no need in normie land, BTC will always stay a niche product manipulated up to catch some gamblers and desperate normies but people dont like to get burned that often, so crypto, and likely all of crypto will slowly but surely fade away. kind of like the telegraph or stamps.
>16 years
are you the adieu fag?
adieu? no, what was that about?
Why is Dostoyevsky's Idiot listed in there?
that's all I have
is this legit
>stock market
an exchange for shares in corporations listed therein
>green line go up
sellers < buyers
>go down
buyers < sellers
>rich as shit
balls of steel and lots of starting capital
ye it's pretty good
this site might be worth checking out as well if you're a degenerate
If you want to learn how to invest read Berkshire Hathaway's Annual Letters to Shareholders.
Then read Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman, then read Security Analysis by Ben Graham, then read Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Phil Fisher.
Then read Berkshire's Annual Letters to Shareholders again to put it all into context.
And then read Security Analysis again.
I'm not joking this is the fastest way to hammer value investing principles into your head, and to think the same way Buffett does.
Most based thread in awhile anons. Do yourself a favor and buy a Kindle for $40 and pirate the books listed in the images on or Library Genesis. We're all gonna make it!
Also don't hate on the kid
Buy LINK and QUANT. Forget stocks and other boomer stuff.
why not just put my money into the S&P 500? it will grow guaranteed, no need for me to read 20 books