Shittiest scam of all time

It forces you to make many multiples on your investment without weak hands getting in the way. Fucking gay.

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I know right.. it's gonna end so badly for all the early investors when they become so rich that they finally realize how hollow the pursuit of money is and how it can never replace true fulfillment..

so easy money, imagine buying link instead. imagine buying anything instead of this. nothing matters anymore, it will only go up from here. intrinsic value not needed, lol. it does nothing and is more valuable than OG coins already

/\ /\ /\ This guy gets it /\ /\ /\

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Knowing Richard and how much he hates IOTA this is not dipping until we leave it in the dust

it has a lot of functionality just for being an ERC20
people complain about ERC20 pump and dumps, but the format is excellent
it can operate with any other erc20 and any smart contract inside ethereum
that's already more functionality than IOTA has ever coded into their scam

Bitconnect 2.0 is happening in front of our very eyes

Thanks for the heads-up.

>seriously gonna check it out now

It must be good if it's rattled your jimmies, Linkie

You are stupid
I am sorry

Your autocorrect did you no justice and messed up your BTC 2.0 reference. and start earning you fags

I put 0.1ETH into this just for the memes and I'm up quite a bit. If I can just make 1 full ETH out of this scam I'll consider it a success. If it just crumbles down tomorrow I just lose lunch money so I really don't care, but I'll ride it up while it lasts.

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desperate premise, desperate pump in desperate times... sorry user, i'm out

Your investment is pathetic and your logic is flawed because of your ignorance.
I guess u just don't really deserve to get rich..

lol seeya!
remember how cheap it still was though!
Explain why he keeps recycling Ethereum and how this isn’t going to cause the inevitable collapse and maybe I’ll throw 1 Eth in

This is literally a textbook ponzi scheme, no way I would put my actual money into this. I just want to see how far it will go, before it crashes down. It's just pure curiosity.

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As soon as Adoption Amplifier scam ends RH will pull all liquidity from the market he's artificially pumping thanks to his free ETH and all HEX bagholders will be left holding each other's dicks, jerking off to all the millions in useless interest they will get but won't cash out.

i put in the change i had in my ETH account ironically when this first started and did the magic transform metamask bullshit or whatever. i have 1.3 million. apparently im up like $2500. should probably sell but im greedy and will probably watch it go to 0 so i guess im the target audience for this scam

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-OMG u guys are all so fucking retarded
-He is doing EXACTLY what EOS did at launch
-Your only reason for assuming there will be an "inevitable collapse" is that you're speculating that RH would just dump his entire stack all at once and shoot his own project in the head
-God damn u guys are retarded

Enjoy being poor though!

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Explain why he would destroy his own project, when he could make a lot more later on

Nice fud attempts guys

No he doesn't even need to dump his stack of worthless HEX you absolute retard. All he needs to do is stop bleeding money by pulling away all free liquidity he is supplying to you idiots right now so that he can maintain the illusion that cashing out is not a meme and there is demand for his useless CD token.
As soon as AA gravy train ends all liquidity on Uniswap and everywhere else will dry up and both you and Richard will be left with useless HEX bags and useless interest except Richard will still have dozens of thousands of free ETH (even after discounting the recycling theater).
Richard is a great manipulator. He led you to believe he actually gives a shit about his project and he has great plans, he doesn't.
After AA period ends he will walk away with all ETH he got from bagholders and all this retard subsidy that he's personally paying for right now will go to zero. At least you should thank him. Without RH burning money every day there would be no noticeable market for this crap.

>Certificate of Deposit is not a viable product

Imagine believing this.

and why wouldnt he do that? he is in for the money and is thankful for retards buying up the coin so the fat fuck get a nice payday in some weeks

Anyone still doubting this project- watch the video below. He debates all the specs with the former lead of blockchain tech for Nasdaq who is super sharp. Probably the best interview I've heard about Hex.

lmao at him thinking his grandma arms look good in that tight shirt

now THAT was a ponzi

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Do you know how interest is obtained? You lend money to people who generate economic activity that produces value and they return that money with interest and they pay you back not with worthless tokens but with real money. You cannot just "mint" interest out of thin air using useless token which only purpose is to stake it to mint more interest payed out in useless token. That's retarded. But I digress.
What matters most is once AA ends MOST IF NOT ALL LIQUIDITY DRIES UP YOU IDIOT. RH will have no further incentive to burn his ETH daily make the market for all fools who actually bought into this CD on blockchain meme. It only works until AA - Market Making > 0, it only works as long as the scheme is still making profit for Richard. While AA lasts Richard still profits despite burning lots of money daily. Without it the liquidity of this useless token would have a depth of a puddle and without liquidity AA couldn't continue because the confidence would be crushed. It doesn't matter how many gazillion HEX you can gain by staking for a year or ten. Without sufficient market depth you can't cash out and it all stops week after AA ends tops.

Why can't Richard stop eating. We need him well.

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You are a master class retard my dude.
He has enough eth to provide liquidity\pay for ads\pump up the price\get listed on exchanges for fucking YEARS after the launch faze is over, and that's exactly what he will do with every last bit of it because after it dries up he still has his gigantic bag of HEX, which he wants pumped much more than we do!
If u had more than 2 brain cells you would have realized the HEX project would make him way WAY more money by growing long term rather than him self destructing the coin by selling his entire stack at once or pulling away all the liquidity he has left, and if you're retarded enough to think there really won't be new incoming demand for the first ever blockchain CD in the next crypto bubble (you know one of those where the most retarded meme dog tokens pump 5000%) then literally nothing anyone can say will make u understand what's going on.. Just enjoy poverty and get used to it man..

You'be been a terrible victim of a crafty misdirection but it will take you too long to realize that until it's too late. When you do however at least make a toast to some internet dudes who warned you and wanted to save you from yourself.

I feel bad for RH a bit. He shouldn't have to burn his hard earned ETH daily to sustain the market for such fools. Every day RH loses money and sucks your dick on Uniswap so that you can feel hyped about his project and AA FOMO crew can spend more. You don't even deserve it. I'm looking forward to the AA end so that you can finally wake up and realize that he only needed shitton of ETH and doesn't care about any of that crap in the first place.