Validation today in a few hours. I have 2 invites for 2 based biztards. Convince me to send them to you.

Attached: idena200x200.png (250x250, 24.35K)

Lets go

Fuck you. Send it to me you tranny

Compelling arguments, but you'd have to prove that you have synced up your node and are not making shitflips. The clock is ticking user.

I want to get into this but the client eats by upload bandwidth even when its not synchronizing.

Already through two epochs. Hopefully get to Validated status today.

Run it on a VPS, not at home. I'm running two nodes on a 1TB/month cap without problems.

What are you using? I was thinking about hiring a $2.50 vultr for shit like this.

Based, I was so glad when I joined the human gang.
I'm using the 5$ vultr setup, it's enough for two nodes.I don't know about the limitations of the 2.5$ node, since it doesn't have IPv4.
I'll just blatantly shill you my ref link, you get 100$ for the month at vultr. www vultr com/ ? ref = 8476227
also, you can pay in crypto

Hey mate, still have a spare invite? If your still around I can show you my node. Not long left till the epoch and I wouldn't mind jumping in on it.

20 minutes, everyone ready/comfy?

I'm waiting for 2 other candidates, if I don't hear back from then in the next 4 mins, the invite is yours. Send a pic of your synced node to [email protected]


Use this

Sorry just gave away my last invite. Be sure to check out discord! Or use the one from the kind user above.

>giving away invites without checking flip skills
thanks for shitting up the network, cunts

thanks mate ill use it cheers

Good luck!


Attached: biz.jpg (489x174, 7.16K)

Paste it as plaintext

no mr robo

Here's another one

I think someone might have sniped it. I'll try again with one of the other guys at the next epoch :(

this thread will now be $Ghosted

Attached: rokoCommands.jpg (549x383, 8.66K)

chinkflip in short sess fugggg

Attached: Capture.png (1325x861, 242.77K)

Chinese bugmen already cheating the system

Attached: file.png (500x708, 142.84K)

the fuck is that, I also got very shitty flips, I wish all the chinks would be banned

Fucking chinese makeing the SHITTIEST flips.

I reported almost half of mine for not even using the keywords.

Nuke the fuckers already

scam flips become invalid --> more epochs needed to become human --> less invite propagation --> slower growth = more mined for individuals

Yeah it also means the platform becomes fucking USELESS because an AI can solve the ordered flips easily, the system never takes off, and the price tanks.

Is it going to be as shit as his shit decentralized exchange?

true too

got some shitty ones this time

Attached: Capture2.png (1333x913, 426.93K)

flips becoming invalid just means slowing validation to human status, not gaming status quisition