Video game addiction is predicted to hit record levels due to isolation from COVID-19.
This will cause a domino effect leading to record levels of obesity and simping.
How do we capitalize on this?
Video game addiction is predicted to hit record levels due to isolation from COVID-19.
This will cause a domino effect leading to record levels of obesity and simping.
How do we capitalize on this?
Calls on nvidia and the like
This Guatemalan bean picker has the mouth of a Bass. I'm glad the webm doesn't have sound.
Will these unemployed losers be able to afford new graphics cards?
You've seen people on welfare with iphones right? Trumpbux, unemployment.. yeah
>How do we capitalize on this?
Be big boobie streamer
vtuber porn
most of the nvideas profit doesn't come from gamers
Pretty much the only answer.
Blackmale, and extort for nudes
She is probably a cia asset.
I'm getting too old for this shit and youngster lingo, had to look up what"simping" is. Joyce talked about how the Irish took the English language and enhanced it, burgers are going the opposite way, turning it into the most retarded mess possible.
>record levels of simping
yeah sure something that's being going on since the dawn of time will explode because zoomers gave it a cool name. By that logic Tinder invented casual sex .
>record levels of obesity
now you're talking. Without going as far as aobesity, most people are getting chunky in confinement. Longs on diet/nutrition/fitness seem coherent, once out of their homes, everyone will rush to undo the damage before the end of summer. Not a secret obscure niche, quite the oppposite, a general normie trend. You should actually aim for the most normie fitness possible (Weight Watchers, that US gym taht offers pizza, etc...)
VR is the future
satan speaking thru her wow
You can't. It's already priced in. Now all you have to do is be a coomsumer.
i like her boobs
They're fake, lad. Someone post the no makeup pic. The real one, not the "makeup" no makeup pic she doctored and posted.
It's simple, we kill the wh*Te """man""""
They're the winners though.
You sound mad and stupid.
An important message for all you simps out there
since you asked
>tl;dr buy GAME (TSX) sell in a few weeks.
This one?
This looks like someone photoshopped her to look 40.
Why does she look African?
I don't give a shit about sports, but even I'm not a big enough asshole to say playing a fucking video game is a "sport". Fuck esports.
Because she's actually darkie, but uses illusion magic to make herself appear 1) white and 2) attractive
Last year I found out esports was a thing. Before that when people talked about esport I thought it was a TV channel. I don't know anymore.
>Joyce talked about how the Irish took the English language and enhanced it, burgers are going the opposite way, turning it into the most retarded mess possible.
This is the most midwit way possible of expressing an idea. Name dropping doesn’t make you sound smart at all, you fucking simp
Good for you that it was on an old youtube video of hers.
Crank that fucking contrast up. She has eyes like a black hole.
Hey SMG, what is a put?
Just made this for all the neeko simps out there