Is Yas Forums the new Yas Forums?

I'm seeing increased traffic and starting to come here by default.

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We've seen this literally dozens of times.
If something happens in the news Yas Forumstards flock here. When Bitcoin crashed people flocked here, when we had the selloff in june people flocked here. And ever since the Covid 19 event happened people have flocked here.

Inevitably the board dies back down and people go back to where they came from until some other nonsense happens. Then it's inundation and idiots.

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As long as you don't take financial advices here, welcome

Buy FUN token faggot

the cycle is happening faster and faster

I literally came here from Yas Forums after someone posted the coronavirus case count and described it as bullish and mooning. Haven’t been back since.

board is best when dead. will be dead this summer, will pick back up again september 2021

Its bc pol is over run by idiots, atm.

pol is full of plebbitors now
we know how we feel about them, right fellas?

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Unless you're from pol and you buy a huge stack of link because some nazi told you you should, then you're here forever.

I see it as I've studied the jew enough it's about time to slaughter them at their own game. Clipping stock till I'm rich and they've over paid.

lurk before posting biz is a terrible board, don't fuck it up


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dolph is based he's a electrical engineer as a sidegig.

We feel the same about poltards.

Yas Forums has always been mini Yas Forums. but Yas Forums traffic is pretty dead right now


>mini Yas Forums

This board has never been a mini Yas Forums
Once upon a time jannies actually kicked Yas Forumstards off.

Wonder whatever happened to Janny.
Musta gotten the kung-flu....

Once upon a time antifa ragebait trolling and brute force low quality threads were banned from Yas Forums. Once upon a time commercial advertising was something you could report for.

If you want Yas Forumsacks to go back, send Reddit out of Yas Forums. But you wont, so get used to us.

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Are you even the real 0__0anon?

I bet this guy was one of the idiots who came here when r/incels shut down. Look at how desperately he wants to fit in:


Incels are non-white and therefore leftist. Its a mixed race/not white problem. White women dont want you.

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This. /bizfitpol/ is and always has been the holy trinity

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I left pol because its the same repetitive stuff. Like yeah I already know the holocaust was a lie, the jews control the market and the media, and non whites are ruining the western world.
I only go back when something new happens like a rich and connected pedophile getting whacked.

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>Yea like white genocide, who cares.

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Not me, unless I am profiting off of it. Commit violence or fuck off, puss.
>better go have those same boring fruitless conversations on biz

There are incels in every race tho. It helps to preface the incel by it's respective race if that's the assumed reason for his inceldom. For example chinkcel.

Holy shit. Have you faggots lurked a single day in your life. Or is that board literally only Reddit at this point and you don't even know why I'm calling you out.

Start with you.

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The issue is that it's all contained to the one board for the most part. If you wanna build an army you've gotta spread out and recruit. Force multiplication is a large part of winning any war.

Pretty much this. I still like going to pol sometimes to argue the specifics since the pendulum has swing too far in favor of stormfags.

every comment section on the internet is becoming Yas Forums

You are a FAGGOT and are not welcome here

No you won’t

I can guarantee you that shitting up other boards is the fastest way to absolutely guarantee that everybody will hate you on-contact, rather than collecting fellow chinlet incels to complain online about how niggers and jews are destroying the world. Most especially when you continue to post your masturbatory self-worship despite having accomplished nothing.

Shut up queer post portfolio of gtfo