Nice job losing all your money in crypto retards lmfao
"buy high, sell low"
t. Yas Forums
Nice job losing all your money in crypto retards lmfao
You told 'em, josh
Seethe harder and post your tax return so we can see how much you paid for trading crypto
you need a happier life
that even hit me hard, fuck user....
I live a happy life, but laughing at retards who bought into crypto only makes me happier
this only makes you happy? you need a happier life
nice one, GO BACK YOU NiGGER
>this only makes you happy
reading comprehension dude what the fuck are you ESL
I let it go
What the fuck am I? I'm listening, tell me
>[spoiler][/spoiler]kill yourself nigger
lol you traded crypto retarded ass broke nigger enjoy filing for bankruptcy and being homeless kek
I sense a lot of rage in this user
It's almost as if he's 12 and got raped at 6 by his uncle
Disturbance in the force
Yes, a lot of rage, here's why i told him that he needs a happier life
lol seethe and cope harder and also you're a faggot retard monkey nigger
how's that $800,000 in debt KEK
Spilling bilis, calm down homo erectus
I assume the 800k thing is you pointing me out as an American?
I am not your poor creature.
I would recommend you read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius you uncultured swine
abdi calm down
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
I see someone took and failed Ethics and Psychology as part of their $60,000 college degree
make that $860,000 in debt u dum fat homolard lol
enjoy being poor and dying of the gay plague aids you californian nigger
do you enjoy being a nigger? good
Sorry for your aids, too
I don't quite understand why he keeps assuming I'm American.
Have you lost your job/money in these troubled times user?
Sucks to be you
don't respond to me ever again with your blackest retard baboon nigger language ever again
try harder to not stand out you fucking Amerobese and also kys
I'm not going to sugarcoat this because you'll eat that too FATTY
You're not alone user, even if you're a nigger with aids, we have no prejudices here.
I have prejudices against you for being dumb and smelling bad and wasting your money
Yeah, life is really hard being up 170x on my ETH bags and 30X on my LINK bags. Not everyone is a new-fag like yourself.
Protip : Buy ARPA on Binance before it 20x's. I bet you won't.
Ok it's not even funny, how old are you, 15?
user pro tip I'm not American and I have a job/stock/crypto.
I pity you but I also believe one day you'll join me in the sun
American website nigger. You are American. Anytime you leave the country you have to pretend to be Canadian to not get beaten up. lmaoing at your entire life American fat.
let me put this in words you can understand
hamburger Donald Trump fat fat McDonalds KEK
Fuck, i am supposed to pay taxes with crypto?
Cry more. You're probably a redditfag that missed the 2017 bull run that made some of us into millionaires and multimillionaires.