If this is what depression is like to normies, maybe we don't have depression at all, and we're on a whole different level of suffering unknown to anyone except us.
Are normies capable of feeling depression?
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I just want someone to love me.
ive stopped caring for anyone and anything but my stupid fucking god damn chainlink meme tokens.
i just want someone skinny to love me
this is why i got rid of all those distractions in the picture
Both normies and neets have thier dopamine receptors fried from artificial stimuli. Difference is the normie takes his ass off the seat more than you.
schizoid is the most based way to be
if he has all this
even a woman who actually does the fucking dishes
maybe depression is working for him
this comic was made by a subhuman chilean, disregarded
I don’t have any of those
I don't have any of that unironically
digits speak the truth? i read the wiki page on this and i think it describes me very accurately
for most of the people here it likely does too.
Then you're not a normie.
God loves you, user
Normies just feel a vague constant stress and can't figure out what it is
Internet cripples have more of a melancholy and hopelessness
why someone skinny?
God damn.
I'm a drop out.
I love alone.
No friends.
No pets.
That's happiness or depression, fuck. I guess I'm alone. Lucky I have a saas small biz that is recession proof cause netsec so I make 40k/month but fuck
I feel so sad.
How skinny we talking bout there 'Cock Commander'?
>Goals achieved
A diploma is not an end goal. It is a milestone, and can be a lousy one at that.
It's fine to enjoy the journey, but don't confuse it for the destination.
Normies only get degrees for the social status.
I don't have most of the things in the pic but don't feel depressed or like i'm suffering. at most I get small patches (2-3 days) where I have a nagging sadness, but that happens maybe 6 times a year at most
I just want someone with big tits and nice brapper to love me
I don't know what I feel anymore. I realize that I don't even want to help myself. I feel too awkward to communicate with anyone new. Drives me nuts. I could stop at anytime and I don't
you should probably stop being a racist online troll then :^)
Normalfags will never understand our suffering, they'll never even understand what true suffering even is and that's why they don't want to leave their safe little box. They don't care about learning, growing, and evolving as a human being because they have no need to. People like us were never meant to live in this world, and have been forced to adapt and change to get ahead of a system that works against us.
Pretty sure normies don't feel depression.
I get waves of depression where I feel like life is pointless and I'm tired of doing anything, alternating with feeling full of energy and the "pointlessness" of life makes me feel like I can do anything I want and feel free to follow my passions.
Normies just follow base cravings and knee-jerk instincts without reflecting on their actions.
well said
I’ll come work for you and be your best fren
Why not get a low maintenence dog then? I love my dog more than anything and he's the only physical interaction I ever get. I'm not even ugly, just horribly exhausted with life despite having great success.
Also, what does your biz do? Curious.
Fucking based
> I could stop at anytime
That's just a cope
if you're overweight and fap every day I dont think you can feel depression either, you're really just overstimulating yourself so that you don't know what a good mood even feels like
Bing bing bing! Winner!
This is so right. Reward center abusers. Addicts basically.
this. the only women that love me are fat or old.
take it from someone who tried to stop. you can't.
How come nofap didn't work for you retards then?