How are you holding up frens

how are you holding up frens

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Not great, not terrible

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Killing myself in a few hours, you?

drank a few beers about 6 days ago and been having stomach problems since. was completely bed ridden for like 2 whole days after. lots of anxiety and panic attacks too. but I'm getting better now. except now if i eat anything after 2pm i have trouble digesting it. guess i fucked myself. or something inside me is messed up.

no, user.
get well soon

pretty fucking bad, user

graduating this semester into an economic depression and haven't had the chance to prepare for interviews or apply to jobs at all (codemonkey) due to crippling depression and stress. already had a receding hairline but now the stress is bad enough that each day I comb my hair more falls out. would probably have killed myself by now if my parents weren't around, if I'm being honest

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Good enough, bruh.
How are you holding up? Doing okay?

>be me
>make 100k in a month trading options
>cant get a haircut because of this gay shutdown
>lost my job
>getting paid more due to unemployment
>still no gf
>gov getting more dystopian by the hour
It hurts bros. As soon as I "made it" in a small way I got cucked by gov.

I had so many plans. A big year for me and my wife. All down the shitter. No idea what the future holds as I am an oilfield worker.

I should have known better than to have hope.

I'm okay, how bout u?

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All good, have fun, bye

Except the bald and rock it. Richest man in the world has no fucking hair and a lazy eye

Why jannies leave these useless off topic threads up but delete my threads about the state of the US economy

Hope you have a savings built up or some investments good luck to you user. What oil field?

hey man fuck you the janny is working for free you cant expect him to do a good job!


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>muh rules

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because you have Yas Forumstier understanding of macroeconomics

Literally lost all my profits and then some today, also one of my puts fucking mooned at 2:30 and could have offered a 30% gain to my portfolio , and I missed it while I was painting steel as a wagecuck. Feelsbadman, will sleep at night by telling myself that the run up was too quick for the order to get filled anyway..........
pic related

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Sold all my stocks and ETF's today that I bought during the last dip made $175.00 off a $1500.00 investment. Planning on doing the same once we hit the bottom of this dip.

Still working and on top of all this, got my Trump bucks waiting to re-invest, 6+ months of supplies just incase I need to wait out the rest of this pandemic.

ive been using whatever drugs i have or can get because i just want to fast forward my life to the end. linkies always make my day a little better. seeing the stench of those stinky linkies growing over time is probably what's keeping me from ending it all.

pretty good thanks fren how about you

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Well, I'm so tired of losing, I got nothing to do
And all day to do it
Well, I'd go out cruisin', but I've no place to go
And all night to get there

i can't speak for everyone but for me the alcohol is doing more harm than good. i guess I've developed some chemical imbalance or something. but whatever it is I don't react well to it anymore. i would advise against any drinks or smokes. they all cost money and probably do more harm than good.

Trying to keep it together. My city has become something rich and strange. Want to protect family at this point.

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yes i don't even really enjoy alcohol :D if you don't already know the term "dipsomania", search it up. it might be why i drink the way i do.

Just got done with my shift at Amazon loading trucks from 7:30 to 6:00. It’s not hard work and actually easy but what’s exhausting is working 60 hours a week so I can get the double time to buy more linkies. Currently have 6.6k

based, must make the work easier when you know, just know you'll make it with link.

I flushed the rest of my alcohol down the sink today. I want to stop drinking and this seemed like the best solution

yeah just don't let any cravings bite you in the ass on your way to not drinking. :p

Plus I’ve been loading trucks since I was 12 on the side. My dad is in the auction business and I’d load furniture and misc all the time.

you probably posted something overly political

Idk if this is a sarcastic post or not, but I'm determined to make it

Was it?

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you will make it

yea. it's for the best. alcohol isnt good for you and has no real health benefits.

it wasn't. maybe i'm too much of a retard to convey what i want to say clearly to others but i was serious. best of luck to you, i guess i'll try cutting back on drinking and drugs. more link always gives me a smile. :)
i might even be able to get a job if i just put together a resume and sending an application. maybe i'm not a totql failure after all. :)

b-but it's legal so it can't be bad for you!!

100% stop drinking, don't even drink on special occasions, it's actually pretty fun watching people get shitfaced from a sober point of view