He thinks his void will be filled by money

>he thinks his void will be filled by money

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Keep telling yourself that

Oh it absolutely fucking will be.

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I need money for other things not for me

It can only be filled with employment for me. Got an application with a municipality and I might get in before a hiring freeze, but if not I'll an hero.

Listen brothers, money solves nothing, but it makes your life quicker, more enjoyable, and end before you need to suffer a slow death

going from worrying about how much a new pair of shoes is going to cost and budgeting meals to complete peace of mind is more than enough. having money won't fix all your problems but if the only troubles you have are economic it's pretty fucking nice

"money can't buy happiness" is a platitude, money can buy the conditions to easily engender happiness and NOT having it is a recipe for misery

no not really. it will pay for my retirement and freedom though. two priceless things that can only be had with money.

The moment when you will be able to afford anything that crosses your mind without thinking about it for a single second is the moment you made it.
Before that it's just the same old grind.

There is literally not one single problem I have that can't be solved with money. Not one.

Money makes it a lot easier to achieve spiritual balance and self actualization.


Hookers and blow

And you think that will make you happy? I had that since I was a kid.But makes you even unhappier user.. A man wants to do things and achieve things for himself. When you don't have to you are mentally fucked. You become an alcoholic

>he's trying to make it to fill a void instead of making it to be free of pointless work

More money and free time to basically do all of the things you want to. Things that will make you feel more fulfilled and happy.

I'm considering joining a buddhist temple.

Getting wasted and stumbling out of 5 star restaurants is fun though.

BUKLSHIT! I know you all dream of what i have but it is crap it is hell... you have to do nothing ever. you want achieve anything that you ancestors haven't done better. you just exist to be a drunk lazy rich drone. it is the real hell the hell u idiots dream of, that could actually be happy

money is the only void i have left to fill

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Not if u get older and doing that is all u do

America is the embodiment of the biblical moloch

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even fucking women gets boring. I know some of you don't understand or can imagine, but after a while everything gets boring. Your life is a constant mixture of pleasures that get fucking boring. And then u get old. You have achieved nothing, you can be proud of nothing, you can kms before u get cancer basically

Money provides security and freedom to pursue fulfilling interests.

No but at least I won't have to speak to another human ever again.


It's true

Because with money comes with only fulfilling sense cravings for most

people who think money brings happiness... i promise u it will not. It will bring safety and whatever u want. but not happiness.

ur doing it rite now

What does "happiness" even mean bruh? Loving wife with 4 children and a cabin in the woods? Penthouse in Manhattan and myriads of connections?

I have a girlfriend now for 5 years... got divorced before and will never get married again because I learned that lesson. But to answer your question: I wish I knew what happiness is. Being rich clearly is not it in the long run.


"Happiness is that moment before you need more happiness"

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Actually that is the way women seem to look at it.

I knew this guy a few years ago that's like 70 now. He worked his whole life and became a very successful contractor. The guy is easily worth over $10 million. He had 2 ex wives and 3 kids. I asked him if he was happy, and he didn't say yes or no. He just said "more than anybody i know". So that's all you can really hope for.