Is the US the land of opportunity still?

Considering most millenials have negative met worth

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We're the Land of Debt Entrapment now.
With a love-hate relationship with Immigrants who actually work hard,
Trapped above a minimum wage law that makes lower level work unattractive to manufacturing,
forcing you to seek higher levels of education that you need to get loans for, that don't guarantee success in your life

The average American's value lies in our ability to buy shit.
We make nothing, are priced out and are too proud for hard labor, and are surrounded by opportunities to entrap us into a loan.

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It is if you're already rich. otherwise no, not really.

It hasn't been in decades

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companies were always going to move overseas where they can pay 3rd worlders pennies a day to do the same thing americans could do whether or not there were minimum wage laws.

Yes, it is. Millennials are retarded who see college and are like “WOOOAAHHHHH YEAH I CANT WAIT TO EARN 150 K PER YEAR WITH MY COMPUTER SCIENCE JOB!!! THANKS FOR RAPING MY WALLET STANFORD! They have no practicality at all, and are just sheep to the slaughter believing that college is the end all be all and they work hard as fuck for that degree and hard as fuck for that measly 90-120k a year. I make that much in the stock market in like a month, KEK. Dumb motherfuckers

Sort of. there is still a slim chance anyone can land head first in dumb luck and make it big the others have to work to survive while being brainwashed by constant ads to go out and buy then when we don't buy we get shouted at by the news and oldfags because were killing the economy

Depends how smart you are and how much effort you're willing to put in. My GF and I went through public/charter school our whole lives and are two weeks away from graduating college. I have a job lined up making $75k with my EE degree and she's attending USC law school with a 50% tuition scholarship ($102k). We are on track to make ~$300k in combined income at 25 since BigLaw pays first year associates $190k + $15k bonus.

If attending public schools and universities in your home country your whole life and being able to make $300k USD a year in combined income by age 25 isn't the land of prosperity, find me a country that is. I wish everyone could live in a nation this based that provides opportunities for those that are smart and work hard.

>(((invisible hand of the market)))

And you can ban their products from entering our markets. But noooooo muh (((free markets))).

On the bright side, this pandemic might be the catalyst America needs to restructure itself.

If you and I dont die, we could see a massive change in how America operates.

If companies are paying pennies on the dollar for 3rd world manufacturing to make goods american's buy, what is the point of the minimum wage law but as to increase the disparity between the 1st Worlder and the 3rd? All it is essentially doing is reinforcing companies to export their labor to less well-off countries, and increasing the profit margins of those companies that are undoing the country.

your GF isn't going to make 200k a year out of law school just FYI. there are fucking millions of lawyers out there and there aren't enough jobs for them all. i used to work as a proctor for the NYS bar exam and there are literally thousands and thousands and thousands of people that take it every year and it keeps going up. she should have gotten into law 30 years ago before it was oversaturated, but she didn't even exist yet, so.

If we don't go back to Made In America, our nation will perish.

We need to stop pretending exporting our labor to communists and modern slavery is doing us any good.

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This LARP is so ridiculous, not to mention even if it was true, the number of assumptions about public/charter schools, housing stability, family stability, and other opportunities that were presented by the luck of the draw, that are way outside the average, Electrical Engineers and Lawyers are awful people. In all likelihood, you and your girlfriend have autism. Working with people like you, and working for people like you, just to take home 6 figures, is too large a sacrifice to my quality of life to make that attractive.

Not to mention, you'll probably get stuck in the same debt trap when you have to buy a jaguar or an audi, just to "fit in" to "company culture" otherwise you won't get that promotion.

Yes. Negative, sure, but imaginary.

You're in for a rude awakening. Good luck, though.

Grad lawyers get paid fuck all dont know what universe you live in. Similar to med you dont take home the bag until you slave away and get burned out for 10 years

Which is why you ban the companies because min wage isn't the problem but jews sending american money to china.

Okay bro her LSAT score (168) is the top 96th percentile so out of those millions of lawyers out there she scores higher than 96% of them on her LSAT. 38.5% of USC Law School graduates get BigLaw placement right out school making $200k+. Top 25% of LSAT scores for USC law school admittance is a 167 which is 93rd percentile.

My GF's LSAT score already puts her above the top 25% highest scoring students attending USC. When 38.5% of the class gets BigLaw, and not 100% of the class even tries to land a BigLaw job, so the percentage of people that try for BigLaw and get it is actually higher than 38%. I'm pretty sure you've never taken a probability class but odds are she makes BigLaw with these stats dude.

The Jews didn't export all our jobs, the American consumer did.
We bought cheap, and continued buying cheap because we liked it and now we are surrounded by foreign garbage.

I agree to a ban, though.

Rather be 25 and have a half million dollars of LINK
Enjoy the rat race

Race to the bottom is a thing.

I went to public school my whole life. My GF went to charter school for middle school where she learned Latin and was taking AP classes at 12 then came to my public highschool. My mom has been divorced twice and my dad has never paid child support. My GF's parents divorced twice and her dad died 2 years ago at age 46 from drug and alcohol abuse.

We attend a meme tier state school because we both have the max academic scholarship. Tuition cost has been less than $2k a year for me and my GF had so many scholarships she was getting paid a grand or two to go to undergrad for the first two years. I made $14k+ during this summer alone with my internship for a Fortune 200 semiconductor company making $26 an hour. I'm graduating with 0 debt and a job lined up making $75k starting. My girlfriend is also graduating with zero debt. She got $60k from her dad's life insurance policy so with my 3 years of EE income + the money she makes during her 2L summer internship + the $102k scholarship means she will be able to graduate from a top tier law school with close to zero debt. Sorry you're not as smart as us user

$190k starting + $15k bonus is market rate for BigLaw

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You’re like the perfect wage Animal

Kudos on making someone else rich

>the american consumer agreed to outsourcing

Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump all won on a platform of unfucking our industry.

one of you can have my corporate IT consulting job. i'm tired after 17 years. i'm going to quit soon i think. $220k/year or so

Nobody wants to actually pay the price of "bringing the jobs back"

how? show proof

it is if you're not a liberal millennial

>Progressive side of the democrats literally want to create a new deal type scenario with 'green' energy jobs across the country
>Both the neolibs and republicans will never seriously consider it

This is why we can never have nice things