Is physical distancing the new normal?

Is physical distancing the new normal?

How will businesses like restaurants and theaters adapt to this if their capacity has effectively been slashed by 60%?

Attached: 027__6AXXTF6WEl2FJ9W.webm (480x600, 2.27M)

hello which thot is this

empty egg carton

That's what they tell us

The @ is literally in the webm, retard.

please sirs do the needful

Watch the fucking clip you retarded nigger. Holy fuck.

Her named is Nebb you blind street shitting chaiwalla.

Imagine the smell

Totally surprised how these inbred retards can even drink a glass of water without drowning, yet alone hanging on a business board.

Sippy cups, I reckon.

Need to be smothered to death by those feet

This sloot is watching a window on her telly. Quarantine is hitting people hard it seems.

>hanging on a business board
Its easy when they just pretend its a digital train.

I inhale drinks really often and end up spitting all over the place. I don't know why. I have to focus really hard while drinking.

>Is physical distancing the new normal?
>How will businesses like restaurants and theaters adapt to this if their capacity has effectively been slashed by 60%?
Theyre definitely promoting the idea of staying at home and social distancing in general, to the point where some of the ads ive seen are very propagandistic. Restaurants, bars, theatres, clubs, are all fucked for the considerable future. They will be among the last businesses to be allowed to open up again, most of them won't upen back up again.


Repulsive. Also, if you think the obesity rate has been bad up to now... permanent social distancing would make it so nobody would bother to take care of their appearance at all anymore. It would make sexual interest abnormal.

>Is physical distancing the new normal?
only until the physical hangings begin.

if you're worried about people sitting 6 feet away of each other in restaurants, you're not paying attention to whats happening in emerging markets.

Thotting by those who can stay thin will make new all time highs as more roasties start to get fat.

What's happening?


Commercial real estate as a whole is completely destroyed because of this crisis. The longer this lasts the lower the real value of a commercial sq ft is. This will have massive effects on local and state governments budgets which will inevitably lead to higher income taxes or good lord a VAT.

>This sloot is watching a window on her telly. Quarantine is hitting people hard it seems.

That shit's so fucking soothing. Fuck the thot, gimme the window link plz

I expect that states would be disproportionally affected by this. I'm in California, which is probably fucked.

Mark is his name

charge more for less

literally nothing has changed in my life

No. Humans like being together and doing things. Either the quaratine gets lifted eventually or people WILL riot. They're already protesting shit in state capitals. The service industry will take several years to get back to normal though.

you're baiting but i have to deal with pajeets this retarded on a weekly basis

t. software dev

How TF am I going to get a gf now
I'm 22 I can't wait any longer
Just moved into a new city after leaving my parents house at the worse possible time

Why are you working for a company stupid enough to hire pajeets?