We had a good run bros... it's over

We had a good run bros... it's over

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checked nice
but are you crazy? this is nothing just wait until chainlink is on all the business channels & being written about in the ft & wsj

Reported for spamming this shit

fucking normies and roasties AAAHHHHHHH

reported? Why? You kikes must be worried

it is the top.

kek confirms... meme magic has run its course... let the normies take over
just like pol put trump in office, and now he's crashed the economy, sold his soul to the jews and only retarded boomers still support him and fall for the q larps
chainlink confirmed to be a worthless scam all along

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This is the first Chainlink fud that is actually getting to me. Roasties and twitter normies shilling chainlink is scary as fuck.

>Reported for spamming this shit
Announcing reports is against the rules. ;^)

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If you idiots think these are normies than you must be really depraved


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Get ready for everyone buying it. Which is the purpose of every fucking business you retard. Imagine if if the first 100 amazon user would have been offended that normies now may use it too? U get me?

Most of you virgins are just scared a woman might have more Link than you and it makes your dicks shrivel up inside you. GFY

Hello normie.

>Which is the purpose of every fucking business
Chainlink isn't a business though, businesses make money by providing products or services. Chainlink is a charity wherein NEETs donate money to Sergey's fridge fund via specialized tokens called LINK.

they will sell during 1-2 dips soo anyway why care?

I was screaming about doing something to twitter scum the whole time.

yo gimme summa dat lank whi boi


That is exactly where you are wrong and mistaken. Chainlink is a business that will supply the world's industries with automatisation of most of their tedious paperwork. It will mean that lots of people lose their jobs. But oh well.

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Lmao wtf so this is the price sustainability? I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT, till the first serious dump, chainlink will collapse.

Checked, just sold 100k, thanks op

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Said a wanna be white american with jewish grandmother who tries to fit in with pol... please user, find yourself.

>Chainlink is a business that will supply the world's industries with automatisation
Nice dreams, Ramajeet. Meanwhile in reality Chainlink is a vapourware startup that dumps tokens on top of your turban.

If you say so... let me guess you are a Yas Forums man?

He’s a britshit

>Projecting your insecurities this hard
t. inferiority complex shitskin

Well ok

any retard would know that the next big pump is the last

Yes... I have an idea then Buy it and you do not and everything is fine? What actually entices more and more people to buy are fucking idiots like u

Crypto spong3’s twitter

At least do some research about the ‘muh vaporware fud’, like you could say LMAO ITS A PRICE CHECKER CHECK ETHERSCAN and it would be 10x more effective


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Listen m8, no matter who or what u are, we are bigger, we have been here forever, and we will not join... but best of luck and much love