Are they going to crash the economy to prevent Trump 2020?

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Imagine the smell

thats a man

sorry OP Trump is crashing the economy due to incompetence. Better luck next time. Biden 2020

they're crashing the economy to ensure Trump.
are you not paying attention?

More pics like this?

They sure are trying
The salt will be epic

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This bait sucks user

trump will still win regardless what they do, no kappa

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Trump got lucky. The pandemic saved him. 2020 is now a guarantee.

kek, shit is crashing no matter what. If Trump gets re-elected it will have to do with the number of people that have relatives end up in a casket.

Remember back in late February when the crashing absolutely didn't start?

i see the cameltoe, get necked

>implying trannies doesn't buy a plastic cunt to wear over their balls

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God all I want is one big sniff, just one for fuck sake that's all I ask, I'd even pay. JUST ONE FUCKING SNIFF.

Crises are good for incumbents.

Biden has dementia. He won't survive a presidential term.


Pandemic was literally the worst thing to happen for Trump. All he had going for him was the economy and the lack of wars. Now we're on the brink of invading Venezuela and the economy is in the shitter. We became socialist under Trump, never forget that.

Lol, retard.

>is coffee good for you

MIGA goys

This is probably the dumbest thing iv seen in my entire life I cant tell if people like you are unironically trolling or actually believe something this stupid.

is that sharapova?

Is this shopped?

Thats what they said about trump. Its not untrue. Crisis=good election. Biden is crazy strong tho. His backing atleast.

Biden will be crushed in debates. It's sad really that they won't let him rest. Just find someone else. Biden didn't even remember Obama's name.
(ignore the annoying music)


Biden should not be running.

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Are you fuckin kidding?? Are they crashing the economy that Trump is actually crashing?

Thread winners

Hillary will be his vice and then he'll drop out for dementia and they'll try again to get her in.

When did reddit start coming to biz? I can't post gore to get you guys to fuck off so maybe some fbi stats will grind your gears.

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