/SMG/ - Stock Market General

/SMG/ - Stock Market General

->No Sticky Edition

->(ಠᴥಠ)Bear Attack Edition (ಠᴥಠ)
Important Links:
>Yas Forums.org/biz/

Attached: 090.jpg (686x526, 90.14K)

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its called a pasta you retard, how do you not know what stickies are they even have them in your home website



Is it too late to buy into the oil meme

Which companies are the safest to invest rn?

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stop thread splitting you fucking newfag autist

what is the ticker for chuck e cheeses pizza.

kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
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kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag
kys newfag

what the FUCK is going on with the financial sector?

nobody gives a shit about your porn links


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-21 NFLX 434 01 ▼ −0 8% EMA(1).png (1286x841, 73.43K)

what happened with the two big drops

these are june futures right

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Well I just burned my 3rd day trade. Looks like I'm going to have to wait until next Monday to do any more trading. See you all then.

>NFLX jumps to 480
>SPY barely budges
feels good

someone make a new thread

Futures red boys:


Attached: 1534846735463.jpg (229x220, 9.49K)

>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields
>in all fields

Oil anons

Whats your take on NS, DHT, PAA, FRO, EURN? Are they gonna still go up?

newfags should lurk
not make threads

newfag thread is based, i fucking hate all the /smg/ regulars aka pedophiles

What do you think this achieves?
Counter bump on page 1.

if you notice, my threads have a distinct lack of weaboos and pedophiles

All that shit today just to be -.8%


Haha this is actually true . /smg can get WEIRD

they action is all in after market
this is bullshit

I bought calls expiring this friday for EBAY @38.5, how retarted am I

>nobody gives a shit about your porn links
leave this place right now and never ever fucking come back you giant bag of shit

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stay mad incel

newfags should lurk, not post

Do those tankers and storage stocks have more room to run though or has it been priced in?

are you a time traveler?

I'm not mad I'm just completely and totally disgusted that such an obvious newfag is shitting up this board with their unabashed faggotry

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kys faggot


actually laughing at you having a sperg because your anime porn isn't included in a generals OP

This is the real general as far as I'm concerned

Netflix based

I have 100 dollars

Give me a penny stock


Who uses the word newfag anymore?

fuck after market jews

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-21 nflx stock - Google-Suche.png (652x533, 38.79K)

didn't they just miss earnings?

this is actually a good general for you newfags to play around with your triple digit portfolio and learn a bit
also it keeps you in containment away from actual /smg/
it's a win-win really


yeah SCO was free money

>Netflix adds 15.7 million global users in Q1 2020 amid coronavirus pandemic

>tfw don't understand options

That is a temporary boost in numbers though

Why do people think the PPP bill will have any effect on the market? You must be detached from reality if you honestly think so.

you buy some, they go up 10%, then down 25%, then you sell, then they go up 50%
its pretty simple