Which industries will not survive even if lockdowns end on May 1st?
Which industries will not survive even if lockdowns end on May 1st?
every faggot bar and restaurant that was barely breaking even
Any business that won't get a bailout
I have a taco sitting next to me I didn't feel like eating yet, so I can literally smell these images.
I kinda think cinemas, but I bought $1500 worth of cinemark or whatever it is because I'm wrong about everything in life.
Not only do the bars have to deal with 4 months of no income. Guaranteed the bartenders are going to be ringing up every other drink and pocketing 50% on top of their tips. If you own a bar, you better be using this time to install cameras at the cash register
I like running on the treadmill behind girls like this so I can pretend I am chasing them
white girl preparations for taking big black cock
you’ll soon get the rope you discord tranny
they more or less stating, bars in Bong shut till xmas now. Wasn't sure what it would take to kill off Bong pubs/bars/clubs altogether, but I guess this is pretty much end station for a large percentage of them. Old habits may die hard - but they still fucking die
hmmm based
Entire culture based on alcohol for literally thousands of years. Derp yeah pubs will fail. LOL
Where do you see one, American?
If you shut them all for near a fucking year?
people dry out, get new interests, stop being alcoholics. Even Bongs. And i doubt landlords are going to be '12 months no rent? - no problem!' forgiving either.
Any big ticket item like boats, cars, houses etc are going to be severely impacted regardless if lockdowns end tomorrow.
You're probably wrong about being wrong.
An industry that charges $18 for a shitty drink deserves to die.
So no one will go to 110,000 capacity football stadiums either? Big think fren
The bubble was bound to pop anyway
Budget airlines
>An industry that charges $18 for a shitty drink deserves to die.
A fool and his money...
read your post wrong sorry
If they don't allow them to open, no.
Best guess, no-ones going near a football stadium till start of next season now, mid-August. And if you get a second wave? They are also fucked. Fans buy yearly season tickets - if there's no games, or they get out of the habit of buying one annually - you'll struggle to get them back. I'd bet 10% smaller clubs disappearing. Are you some kind of millennial who believes in the status quo and Summer is Forever? Another war is what you faggots need
>alcohol & pubs has been around since the 8th century
>oldest business model on the planet
>destroyed by the common cold
That's a man.
That weight is barely doing anything.
kek based
the concept of the pub survived the black plague, it will survive a minor flu.
it doesn't have to survive a plague it has to survive the smooth brained authoritarian homos making the rules
>it has to survive a plague
elliot rodgers was right
shameless thots need to get gassed
the working class aren't going to stop watching footy ball and drinking beer in wetherspoons you idiot
the limpwristed faggots in londonistan might stop going to their wine and ipa bars though
I'd love 6 feet of space on an airplane, but it sounds expensive.
Lol. This is a sign of the end of times for all relevant religion out there and the vaccine is the mark of the beast to christians. If anything this is a revival.
hard times make people more religious
new religion is state enforced homosexuality tho
Most service industries providing seating will actually die if they reopen May 1st or earlier instead of relying on reserves.
Opening up bars and movie theaters and letting a bunch of retards flood them and coof all over the place is going to be bad PR two weeks after and it'll also open up easy avenues for lawsuit opportunists. Especially the dark ass movie theaters that never get the fucking seats deep cleaned between showtimes. They're basically begging for it if they reopen out of desperation.