Is Yas Forums going to be in it?
Yas Forums documentary
Other urls found in this thread:
A documentary series with one episode for every board would be neat.
>Alex Lee Moyer
I don't trust women, or the Irish or filmmakers
Especially not ugly ones
>hello i'm biz
>buy high sell low
>the end
That is a man though
>Is Yas Forums going to be in it?
*Logs into her 4 Chan gold account*
>Hello user I would like to...
>What are you like a Jew or something
>Hey if you want advise go back to R*ddit
>Well I'm making a documentary about...
>Tits or GTFO
This doc is going to be retarded, only a moron, a troll or a newfag would respond
If prince of Zimbabwe is really doing animation this is gonna be fuckin kino
The fact that "tfw no gf" and wojak were Krautchan Yas Forums OC must rustle so many jimmies.
Check her interviews, she isn't that bad.
Does being a sugar daddy count?
Post one that won't make me want to go postal
bizonacci is in this, and that's the only reason I want to see it
hello documentary lady
yes I am a virgin and yes I buy high sell low but but I'm about to make it real big on chain link, my dad will be so proud when I finally move out and prove him wrong (he says I'm throwing the money away)
anyway I might seem retarded yo you but I am no joke and I also have a superiority complex
based seeking arrangement
>female director
how do i see this movie
post proof that the filmmaker is a tranny
>I just wanted to..
>you had to 2 years
Basically the Yas Forums episode will be a hour and an half long of this in loop
>Produced by John Eisenman
he posted 2 short clips, getting interviewed. I don't have links, maybe some user does.
prince of zimbabwe is not bizonacci
yes he is
Lmao I had no idea feminists latched on to doomer girl
if you think of the jokes within jokes within larps / shills / etc...i dont think anyone will ever capture the culture of the chans because its uncaptureable. its chaos.
is there a way to watch this without giving my credit card information to Jeff Bizos? And when? Hopefully somebody with a subscription just records their screen and posts at least the Yas Forums episode here.
pretty sure he is link user
>an entire /po/ episode