>Twitter niggers
>NBA faggots
Yep, it's over.
It's over, isn't it?
100% man
If that's a man, I'm gay
Traps aren't gay, faggot
Reminds me of the stripper having 5 houses in the Big Short
>Yep, it's over.
I am unironically selling now
I didn't care about any FUD. I didn't even care about the whore at Celcius.
But NIggers and E-Whores holding my coin is enough. I am out.
If you're going to pay some mentally ill faggot to make le silly memes at least choose a cute one wtf
Reminder that every time normies and E-whores get interested is when it becomes time to sell.
Just like in 2008 with everybody and their grandma buying a house and thinking they'll be rich, or that they know how to spot a good deal with 0 reason why. Normies and E-girls think they can get rich from link and that it's time to make it.
If that isn't a clear sell signal to you then you're just as dumb as they are.
I'm gay
I hold chainlink
I fapped to that trap
how does she know about big Mac's though
Sell now or hold to zero
I fucking want to kill myself
its over
Thank you for your concern over our financial wellbeing. Because of your multiple posts that you have diligently provided across the catalog regarding this topic, I will now sell all my Chainlink tokens. Please continue to alert our other fellow 4channers so that they may all sell too, as intended. Thanks again.
>he's promising publicly that a security will raise in price
Idiot here. Explain how normies buying chainlink is a bad thing. I don't see the problem.
Congrats this is the only fud that has ever gotten to me and ive been holding for 3 years
>holding bags still while literal fucking 75 IQ roasties and niglets get distributed to by smart money
It is literally going sub $2 within 2 weeks, cap this, absolutely cap this.
oh no "X person" bought into my project (which did a 2,146.14%)
the thing about crypto and being something permissionless is that any faglord can get in
if you're gonna cry about that, just get out
Am I the only one who thinks this whore looks degenerate?
The preponderance of moles, the diarrhea toilet water eyes, the prey-shaped face, narrow jaw, huge doe eyes, etc
She just looks like a completely unhealthy person.
>J.P Morgan Asset Managment
didn't company profits for that company tank a couple billion this quarter?
Nobody left to sell it to.
>Doe eyes
>Prey eyes
Shut the fuck up, faggot. You sound fringe as fuck
>Normies and E-girls think they can get rich from link
Not disagreeing but plenty of retards and faggot got rich with BTC and ETH
Probably some neet zoomer paying her to pose with those things, if you're reading this faggot neck yourself.
I mean, who did you expect to dump your bags on? You realize that Link is grossly inflated right?
chainlink as a cult experiment and subtle influencing has been a success but this is as far as this shitcoin goes
This is actually pretty old and has been posted here before. FUD has to be recycled to barely squeeze what little LINK new holders have because OG's just aren't selling. This is actually bullish as a result.
Fuck I'm tired of waiting. It was such a lively time in early 2018 when the FUD was more tech related and you actually had to do research to see if people were lying or if it had some merit. The discipline and patience I gained a long the way has prepared me for handling the riches I shall receive. I tried to tell a few people but they wouldn't listen, now I barely have to work except to accumulate more but I basically have earned freedom.
None of it matters anymore basically everything has been confirmed true, now its just a waiting game, and not much longer maybe 12 months until OGs are beyond comfy. 24 months will likely be about the peak of the next cycle.
Corona was a perfect excuse to change the system at large and unemploy mass amounts of people who will never get their job back due to automation without rioting and blaming corporations.
>mentally ill faggot
implying women aren’t mentally ill
Belle Delphine wannabe, except uglier
Yes, and they won't get rich with those again. But those retards weren't the ones on social media with platforms claiming they'll get rich. They weren't the egirl asking to get tipped in eth or btc. They were the schizo anons, like the ones who bought 100k link at sub 20c. They aren't the people buying 1k at $4. That's what the sell signal is.
It has begun
it's publicity and memeing like this that brought btc to 20k
ChainLink is the second largest echo chamber since btc
don't sell too early