I'm looking for advice/feedback about job security right now

I'm looking for advice/feedback about job security right now

>recent college grad in electrical engineering and physics
>get job offer at chemical plant
>they do oils and plastics
>(apparently when oil is down, plastics is up -- they told me when i asked about job security before corona hit)
>sign a formal acceptance form
>start date gets pushed back 6 months due to corona
>their stock has been cut in half since 3 months ago (no exaggeration)
>oil prices are also negative right now
>(supposedly just from overproduction)

What is the likelihood my job offer will remain in 6 months? Especially in this industry? I'm not a contractor, and engineers have been in demand. So far through updates and communications, their statements have all been about the job being secure but the start date being suspect.

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Congrats on being a wagie.
You already lost the game
Have fun working for a 100 IQ boss for the next 40 years

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How do I become her sex slave?

may be a good idea to get some more applications put in just in case

Plastics do really really well when oil is low. But if there revenue isnt mostly plastics then you're fucked.

I graduated with a physics degree last May, now I'm a trader, so there are options on wall st if you're interested.

How did you get into trading? And are you in New York, or do you work from your house?

I have been applying for temp jobs for stuff like electrical technician, but I really want to hold out for that job offer. They were ideal, and immensely better than the others in all ways. 20k better pay, and pretty impressive bonuses. Maybe I will apply for full time positions, and delay accepting their job offer until this one is bust or not.

It's in Chicago; there are several dozen prop trading shops there. I applied online. Went to a top school and had a 3.5 GPA. Depending on how I do, the pay ranges from great to insane.

Why is everyone on Yas Forums a elec/mech engineer or cs major?

I have an above 3.5 GPA too. While my school wasnt top of the line, I did contribute to the research at the ELSA facility in Germany. That's the highlight of my resume.

What type of pay range would you say there is for Low, Moderate, And High?

How likely would it be for me to get into trading with literally no experience related to that?

They generally only hire people a) straight out of college and b) with no finance experience.

My base pay is 70k but this year because of all the vol my total comp will probably be around 300k. This is for a mid-tier shop. I have a buddy at a top-tier shop who's also 23 and will pull in 500k this year. You don't want to work for a low tier shop. Are you a EU citizen? There are several dutch trading companies that are great (IMC, Optiver, Flow Traders, etc)

Im legit gonna look into this. Already googled trading firms. I'm an American citizen, I just went over seas during my college studies.

Do you have any advice or examples for a cover letter and resume?

Well definitely express interest in financial markets and trading, as well as appreciating risk taking and skin in the game sort of things. It would help if you talk about how great you are at poker. I ran my own hedge fund for a while and went to a target school so I could get an interview at most places. I'm also an accomplished mountaineer so I get risk taking on a fundamental level. You need to show you you're a quantitative, empirical, and independent thinker, not some typical sheeplike american college grad.

Also what exactly is the job title i should be applying for? Looking at the openings for some trading firms, they require experience and a business plan.

junior quant trader is the only think you should be applying for. look on wallstreet oasis for a list of good prop trading shops.

more of the girl please she is really cute

It sounds like you've had a good bit more experience than just with physics. Do you really think I'd have a shot?

Maybe, where did you go to college?

be black

Lamar University

Ah, yea sorry, little chance then. Finance still cares a lot about university pedigree.

Yeah I get ya. Looking at job requirements I feel like i meet most except for the experience.

Is there any way you suggest getting "relevant trading experience"? My plan was originally to work as an engineer, and use my extra saving to invest in stocks and eventually a business. I don't know what they would consider relevant experience, or how to get it while I'm an engineer.

No, not really -- relevant experience usually means relevant professional experience.

I don't know if you deem this relevant for you, I was lurking just now and stumbled upon this.

THIS. Sorry OP but imagine a Speedrunner having a blue screen 1 minute in of a world record attempt. Thats basically you. Except the speed run rakes 80 years and you can't really quit although you know that you won't win.
Welcome to hell.

Because we are without a doubt the highest IQ board on this godforsaken website. /Sci/, /his/, /lit/ or whatever will cry out in denial but it is what it is. The discovery is basically a mathematical proof of my statement.

Attached: 1585058504963.jpg (699x900, 92.61K)

Discovery of LINK I shall add.

>mutt's law

I wish you well my friend, but one of the lessons I learned in my life is the low-to-mid level people at the company that assure you everything is safe are not the ones making the decisions, they only communicate them, no need to blame them or accuse of lying, they just do what they are told and communicate you the current situation, if it was to be changed they will learn about it just moments before you....

you should have plan B anyway

I need to pay for this?

That's a man.

na, was free for me.
dunno why.

it basically says that some sociology lady went and studied job interviews for big firms and concluded that a bunch of etiquette gained from growing up in elite households appeared as a deciding factor very frequently.

sociologists are normally pretty leftists, and i haven't read her book so i have no clue how well she can back it up, but it might be something to it

book is
Pedigree; How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs, by Lauren Rivera, a US sociologist.
probably availabe for free on libgen or b-ok.org

Maybe try HRT OP