SAP/LIT Insider back again.
Buy LIT now!
you will thank me later
im out, peace!
SAP/LIT Insider back again.
Buy LIT now!
you will thank me later
im out, peace!
I will add this to my list of things that will never happen.
did you see my other threads?
Basiert und rotgepillter Insider! Kaufe direkt mal 10 weitere k ein wegen dir.
Please let this be true.
I've got some lition.
Appreciate you dude.
Literally Pajeet scam shitcoin. If you actually buy this, you deserve to stay poor
Cool story vodkanigger. Aryans > slavic alcoholics
Cope poorfag. Enjoy your shitcoin that is going absolutely nowhere. Toodles
So you are a faggot aswell now, huh?
It seems like life wasnt really fair to you.
How soon
Your FUD attempts are ridiculous.
Now. I hope none of Yas Forums actually believe this. Hail Satan.
>He doesnt know the SAP insider of Yas Forums
>to belong in here he says edgy shit like "Hail Satan"
Cringy ass nigga. ngmi
>4 posts by this ID
Wow user how heavy are those bags? Cope
>He calls 4 posts by one ID a lot
haha yeS
12 month lock and loaded
do you have an eta?
That "insider" will never post a photo from inside a building.
next time?
I need to wait a day for my coinbase pro will it moon before then?
*it be announced
How do you buy lition from the US?
85k chad here
I am ready
I've been coming on every day hoping to see your threads. Thanks for posting. If people still can't see it then they don't deserve it.
Why is the CIO Jurgen Muller the advisor of Lition since its inception. I believe he even wrote the technical whitepaper as well.
I know cynicism comes across as 'intelligent and skeptical' but you have no idea how wrong you are when it comes to this.
You are the cringe newfag m8 °°
You don't know what's gonna happen when he comes back on do you? That is the funny thing.... no-one knows just like with the markets... but he owns newfags and everyone like you. To a point that they think twice about ever coming back.
Can you atleast TRY to write in English, you filthy vodkanigger?! I know its you, Jowdy. You and your cringey VPN meme answers in this thread are indisguiseable.
No, user, different crew I guess. Not Satan.
Take your meds schizo please