Do people actually fall for this?
Do people actually fall for this?
Yes. See also: everything is always """"on sales""""" and customers stop buying if it's no longer promoted, even if the price is the same. People are idiots.
>do people not know that people fall for this?
Someone told me the reason he bought my guitar was because 1499$ caught his attention better than 1500
Yea, usually women and soibois who protest capitalism all day do
sales tax is progressive
Of course it works, basic psychology. Even if you know $199 means $200 you subconsciously look at these different.
it also forces the cashier to make change and record the transaction retard
>go to shop
>compare weight/price and nothing else
I don't know how normies even manage to clothe themselves
It is mostly psychological fucking with you. For some reason, while we understand with our higher level of thinking that is isn't worth it, our lizard brain goes,"Ooooo I can get more with less". Plus most brain dead coonsomers don't think with their high brain fuctions.
if you fall for this then you are legitimately brainlet retard tier
What do you think most fucking coonsumers are?
Aaaaaah Im gonna.... Im gonna consoom!!!!!!!
Most people are that retarded yes.
>sees shirt for $19.99 instead of $20.00
"OMG what a steal this shirt really is cheap i cannot believe that they are selling that low"
Sadly yes
>14.99 = "It costs $14.00"
>15.00 = "That's a dollar more than the other one!"
Just choose price with repeating digits
Countless millions of dollars of market research has concluded that yes, they do fall for it
this does work
To add to this, everything about a Walmart layout is deliberately designed to get people to buy shit. $.45/lb bananas, $2 gallons of milk, $.20 notebooks, $2 12 packs of ramen. Those are all loss leaders designed to get you in the door and buy other shit. Corporate headquarters in Arkansas dictates how each store layout needs to be organized in order to maximize sales. The random endcaps and candy in the checkout lane is part of a department that's literally called "Impulse". It's all mind games.
For the same reason, retail stores try to mainly hire female cashiers
Cashiers interact with customers more than any other position, and if creepy old guys like to talk to young attractive girls, they’re more likely to come back.
both work like magic, human minds are strange
you might think it doesn't work for you but guess what it does subconsciously
Yes, you are a brainlet because you've fallen for it.
It's a psychological thing and it works.
based goodwill outlet shopper
my gf does, constantly. if she buys something and its $9.99, she'll say its $9. and then when I say its $10, she claims it was on sale
the dudes that call you stupid for falling for such tricks are the ones that always end up falling for them. the hueristic lizard brain is strong
Gas station prices always having the 9/10 at the end is amusing to notice sometimes
Imagine being so poor you can't buy what you want
Imagine being so poor you waste money on stupid shit