Lockdown protesting

In USA looks like an uprising is around the corner.

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It's just rwnjs being rwnjs.
Actually pretty fucking ironic.

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damn. what badasses

>A bunch of pussies pretending they're gonna shoot government employees and fight the cops


Nah nigga, check the videos on zerohedge.


I'd like to see a violent revolution but when nothing happened at the Virginia rally I lost hope.

AK 47 is a commie weapon.
Why do Americans pick it up?

If you see those protests from above they're pathetic
Literally like 20-30 guys at most
Also their signs are obviously Prefabbed astroturf

is this the /k/ meetup that everyone was talking about?

I live in Virginia and thought it was funny.

Based good taste. Where can I get a good one to spend my NEETbux on

Ironic. Leftist signs which only come in 5 variants are genuine but these are astroturfed

Looks like GUN was a good buy, too

that better not be airshit

That kind of bullshit site might be trusted and reliable in Yas Forums but literally everywhere else in the entire universe it's a fucking joke site with a reliability of .09 out of a possible fucking 1

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These people are mostly harmless and for their own good I hope they recognize that. 99% of them are LARPers that would cry, piss, and shit themselves if the U.S. felt threatened in the slightest. Most would run, most of whose left would turn on each other, and then when they were crushed and broken, the U.S. government would send them a bill for the cost of killing them. People think life is like their movies or video games, they're the plucky resistance fighters, and everyone sips martinis while winking at an enemy that lets you knock him out, and they can hold onto that fantasy until they see what they had for breakfast that morning oozing out of the holes in their stomach while the buddy they used to have a bonfire with is scattered in 5 different places.

Can as a last resort and should be forced to during a hoax pandemic are not the same thing, bootlicker.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Any “uprising” in the U.S. would be met by other armed Americans like myself who actually want peace and stability rather than anarchy. These scumbag “preppers” who spend their lives hoping for the worst to happen to others would be my first targets in an end of the world situation.

>Hoax pandemic.
I have a serious question:
Is your head up your ass for the warmth?
Or do you just like the smell of bullshit that much?

that would mean that 1 in 10 times it's right though
that's definitely higher than MSM

except the ex military and spec ops guys would be with the preppers

liberal faggots like you would get your ass kicked

Good luck, youre best bet is finding arsenal 104 series or a vepr in 5.45 that are already starting to command $1100 or more. Magazines in shooter grade collect are around $45 bucks and surplus ammo is non existent. Manageable but not cheap like a few years ago.

"Yeah we're absolute shit but at least we're better than the Mainstream Media" isn't the trump card you think it is.

Because not everyone is a braindead poltard scared to appreciate Ivans stronger than you will ever be, mutt. Also that's an AK-74 dumbass.

Barely 1 in 10 times. More liek 1 in 100 since the scale is not a strict 1 in 10 chance. It's exponential.
And the ultra low rating of 1 in a 100 should tell you all you need to know about using that site as a reference for shit.

If I was an Ambulance driver and these protesters blocked my street i'd run them over and be right in doing so

No, they would be with whoever is writing them a cheque.

Homeland security ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammo in the past and they have armored cars against civil unrest. They decicde which side would win.

Faggots stood around with guns in Virginia too and it accomplished fuck-all.

imagine participating in pro-government protests demanding to protect jew profits and the stock market and not realizing you're the bootlicker

Numbers dont lie, coward. Well actually they do because people being admitted for all manner of horseshit and dying are being tallied as corona deaths.

Its a hoax.

Soldiers will always value income stability over "values". As long as the government paid enough they'd happily clear you out if you threatened the govt - See the ATF.

You shouldn’t be protesting a lockdown if you’re a commie anyways.

After watching Waco on Netflix I am 100% on these guys' side

>Numbers don't lie
>Except for when I don't believe them, in that case they do
I encourage you to go outside and lick all the doorknobs you see.

>if you had an ounce of real power you would abuse it because you are a sociopath who is an $8 an hour piece of shit
ok, good to know

So you are saying you are willing to commit violence against peaceful protesters?

What exactly do you think ambulances transport? Pretty telling these "patriots" would break their impasse to let a dominoes pizza delivery through but not actual human beings in need.

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Spot on

Greta and climate extinction prostest everywhere saying the world is ending
>wow what a great person
>time person of the year

People protesting that they dont want to be locked down because their businesses and jobs are being destroyed

>fukin idiot
>wow no bran cells

I dont agree with 99% of it but they at least do have a valid reason to protest, they should just do it in a more professional way.

I saw one picture of a sign that said "join the protest, even if you are sick"

Dumbfuck. These people DO have the right to peacefully assemble, they are exercising it. Show me any Holy book that says you have to gather in a single building with 50 people every sunday. You can still have a bible study or an online sermon.
Your rights aren't being taken away dummy, gubmint can do more or less whatever the fuck it wants, meanwhile even with all these restrictions in place we're 100x better than nazi germany, soviet union, china today, or the middle of fucking nowhere in africa. Get off your fucking high horse you spineless cowardly monkey and stop whining.

Would be willing to do everyone a favour by clearing a Traffic Jam?

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>fukin idiot
>wow no bran cells
>I saw one picture of a sign that said "join the protest, even if you are sick"

This is really a disgusting behaviour, no matter whose supporters these are. The doctors should sling spark plug fragments at their precious McSUV windows.

>That mag curvature
Be a noguns faggot somewhere else.

Hmmm maybe you should go to Michigan and go bitch and cry directly at the drivers in that picture user. Believe it or not, I don't live there.
I get that you are a petty butthurt fag who is extremely passive aggressive and unlikable, but spazing out at random posters on Yas Forums (like me) won't solve anything. And saying you want to run people over makes me think you deserve to be in prison or a mental ward.
Quit acting like a spaz though kiddo, I'm sure your parents are worried.

The way I see it, being alive with no job is better than dying of a horrible pulmonary disease
Although I'd be willing to lift the lockdown - but only for those who wanted it. That way they'd be the only ones outside, and I don't have to give a shit about them catching the virus.

You sound like and edgy tryhard zoomer.
Does mommy know you are using her computer?

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>t. Doesn't know what the 1st amendment is

Trump supporters are subhuman.

Wow, sick burn
Guess what, though
Quarantine is still going on and there's fuck all to do about it
The sooner the cops came to take care of you lot, the better.

>Although I'd be willing
>I'd be willing
holy shit that napoleon complex

You trust CNN or Fox News ya dumb goy?

Go back to middle school history class

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Actual peppers would not be out and about during a pandemic.

Lmao you would die walking out your door, faggot


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You need to go to a mental home.
You are a great example of what happens when a little zoomer grows up without a dad that would beat his ass if he ran his mouth too much.
You talk like a sociopath, and that's because you haven't ran your mouth irl long enough for someone to bust your front teeth in.

This assemblage is a joke, but if these movements get large enough either some of them will use force, which instantaneously revokes their right to assemble; or a govt will install a plant which will use force, thus accomplishing the same goal.

In any case the intellectual level and level of power these people actually hold is incredibly low. If anything they do a disservice to their movement which I can respect to an extent. But a bunch of gun nuts getting together around govt buildings really only makes them look even more pathetic than they are, in 2020 it's not realistic to think that you can move any sort of public policy by showing off your guns in public - it's bad publicity no matter how you slice it.

Peace was never an option

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Guess what again? Nobody will ever punish me for posting shit here, while the Cops can and will punish you lot with Batons and Boots and Tear Gas. Die mad about it, Fagtron

Neither do you retard. The fuck do you think these quarantine restrictions are? Preventing people from praying?
If you need a lesson, read this: caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/98/145.html#162
Specifically: "Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices."
You need a lesson too, read above.

Huh? Are you having grand delusions again little zoom-zoom?
What year do you think it is?
Do you need meds?

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You really think people are going to bend the knee if cops came to arrest you? Maybe some yes, but not true people that believe in freedom. I'm not sure what type of reality is going on in your own head.

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Oh, I don't expect you to bend your knee. I expect the Police to bend your spine until you become a proper person.

Thats why i have gone out and personally protested. If you believe in your freedoms you should as well. Look on your local facebook groups. Here is one for my state. archive.vn/1nwBv

Enjoy being a minimal wage loser for the rest of your life dude. No one would trust you with any irl responsibilities the way you act.
Also get on some meds man, you aren't normal.