Be honest, do you really believe there will be another golden bullrun for BTC?

Be honest, do you really believe there will be another golden bullrun for BTC?

Attached: 1580247201318.jpg (400x500, 78.87K)

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Yes. No sure what alts will join it though. It wont be all of them like last time.

that's one old-timey fap

She must be 40+ now

Also, I don't think we'll see another sudden 10x. I think those times are gone.

yes but nowhere near the 2017 one
real projects have to present real solutions, all the craziness from the 17 one will never come back. If you didnt make it back then you prolly never will make it through Crypto

I sure do fellow old fag. '06, if I remember correctly.

Yes, I think we will see another major bullrun for BTC and alts. The difference this time will be that the projects with true merit will be the winners.

it would be very surprising if there wasnt

where did his penis go?

BTC, what was the most volatile investment ever is becoming more stable every day. Look at its history, you can literally see the oscillation repeat itself but in a lesser way in the run of 2017 compared to 2019. As more is spread around (my damn sister owns a bit for fucks sake) people get less excited about it.

The only way it would go to the moon is in some sort of fantastic conspiracy theory tale typically told here. Not only would the entire world economy have crash but there'd have to be some sort of fundamental aspect to it that would render fiat and gold - standards that have worked relatively well for all of civilization obsolete. It's fun to think about and that's why people invest in it, but as long as this economic apocalypse scenario doesn't happen. Looking ahead, it is likely that quantum computing will render cryptocurrency obsolete and most likely a new iteration of crypto will take its place.

only one i would bet on is XMR

hello newfag?

once you get to the end of the rabbit hole you realize bitcoin is money and everything else isn't

have a good day in the matrix, you'll get out one day

I don’t believe there will be anything similar to the speculative pump that occurred in 2017. I base this on many historical factors, market saturation analysis, elements of quantitative analysis, etc. I could write a technical explanation of these reasons, but I’m about to start a workout and I really don’t want to spend the time if there are just going to be a bunch of mindless responses. (I.e.: seethe, cope, my dad works at Nintendo...)

I remember this ass.
Would really like a sauce.

For instance, posters like this. There’s no reason to even seek advice from immature people like this.

Let me give you this advice OP: stop being lazy and LEARN if you want to be successful in markets. Learn as much as you can. Biz is a place for entertainment, NOT education. There are many smart, talented, and wealthy people against which you are competing.

There will be one more similar to dow. It will slowly gain for 5-10 years.

Keyra Agustina. I remember one pic that showed mingus, but that was as good as it got.

>the immature bitcoin posters that have been telling the world bitcoin is money and everything else isn't since $1 are so immature and stupid and you shouldn't listen to them

LMAO k mr super duper mature business man, how's the business running? did you need a bailout?

go start your workout brainlet

No. There's massive bot sell resistance at every round number.

He has a cute butt

Big volume will push straight through that

Based Agustina, I literally came to this decades ago at the beginning of the internet. It's crazy how this went viral because it was a glorious perfect fat ass. Now it looks small compared to what is considered canonical mainstream beauty, what the FUCK happened in the last 15 years

Attached: SmartSelect_20200420-205909_Instagram.jpg (1080x1337, 433.85K)

seethe more crypto cuck, oil is the real virtual gold.

Attached: 1587379302416.png (474x671, 147.79K)

Well we are entering the age of intellectual capitalism and bitcoin has very strong network effects. What do you think?

yea we oldfags remember, what a brapper it was back then. Now? as you say it looks small. Someone post the webm or video its still good tho

>what the FUCK happened in the last 15 years
People gave up on women not being fat and implant-filled.

More like 30.

Nah, people just didn't appreciate fat asses back then. I remember because I did and it seemed odd that almost no one else did. Women literally wanted their ass to look as small as possible for some reason but fortunately at some point it flipped completely.

Bullruns? Yes. More 10x bullrun? Naah. Maybe not even another ATH.