>he's not all in gold right before the greatest financial crisis in human history

do you retards want to lose all your money?

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it's unironically better to keep cash dear bag holder

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Remind me again how much money the fed pumped into financial markets in 1929?

gold will collapse too
and if you're not holding dollars you can't buy the bargains at the bottom
if you're not all in dollars ngmi

People don’t seem to have figured out that the same thing that happened to oil can happen to gold. Except that accepting delivery won’t be the issue, delivering will be the issue. We could go to 50k gold in a day.

Liquidity is King.
If you don't have the power to move at a moments notice you're going to miss out.

All you Peter Schiff and Mike Maloney disciples seem to not realize that there’s still not enough dollars to meet the global demand. Buy a bit of gold, it’s not bad. But your zombie gold apocalypse isn’t coming.

>The Federal Reserve created an unsustainable boom in the 1920s by lowering interest rates. Rothbard estimated that the money supply had increased by 61.8 percent between 1921 and 1929
Literally the same shit they did last time

everything will collapse before the final moon mission courtesy the FED

and where are you going to keep that cash retard? max you can withdraw from the bank is 10k. you going to trust the bank with it dumbass?

this. brainlets dont understand were going to go straight to hyperinflation. deflation simply wont be allowed

no it won't dumbass


i can respect this position if youre a skilled trader. hodling gold is just such an easy and sure giga-win...why risk it?

>t. retard

look at gold prices in venezuela dumbass

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bet oil bulls said the same shit

>Buying gold

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Monetary policy is non linear. Its like knocking on a bottle of ketchup. Hit it. Nothing. Hit it. Nothing. Hit it. The entire bottle comes out.

Schiff is more insistent on inflation, but Maloney acknowledges deflation will come first, and the fed and congress will go balls to the wall to stimulate the economy.

professional gold fudders rise up

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No, that's not what I asked.

and where are you going to keep the gold?

Waiting for the Dow to tank and bring PM with it for the short term. Then I will scoop up retarded amounts of silver.

shiny metals are literally a jewish obsession

>Maloney acknowledges deflation will come first, and the fed and congress will go balls to the wall to stimulate the economy.

This is already happening. I would not wait too long for deflation in safe haven assets like gold. Housing will take years to bottom.

in a swiss vault

how big do you think 100k usd is in gold retard

you might as well just have a swiss bank account fren

Batboi blessed.

nice move retard, let some nig nog murder your family to take your shiny rocks

I was as bullish as is possible.

theyre honest money, along with crypto, and have been used by honest white men for thousands of years

the jew obsession is fiat currency

and you told the niggers about it wow
how the fuck did they even get past the guards to your gated community

the problem is solved by not living in burgerstan, and choosing a civilized country instead

implying the gated community isnt amish

Except we're Germany.

hello from rumspringa

>brainlets dont understand were going to go straight to hyperinflation. deflation simply wont be allowed
See, the system is designed to have emergency brakes, or "emergency cooling system".
Here is what's gonna happen.
We ll start to see hyperinflation.
Every central bank will print.
Gold will go up.
And then those private gold mega holders in the shadows will dumb a nightmerish quantity of gold taking it down.
Gold will be more than before, but contained.
Unless they decided to take down the system (debatable), it will keep going.
Poor people will become poorer.
Rich people will become richer.
Rinse and repeat till white genocide is complete and we have the new equivalent of kings.

What did you say about my empire?

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wrong. They've been the real form of currency since the dawn of mankind, and will be until the end of times. Jews just obsessed over hoarding them so that they could keep them and give the goyim pieces of paper, which they gladly adopted

>not buying cigarettes, alcohol and guns
It's like you're not even preparing for the total collapse of society

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How about silver? The silver ETFs do the same shit right?

It'll be all gone by then unless you want paper.

they trade 20 times more than whats above ground and available