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Not if you have a good socialistic government like mine. :) You Americans just live in a developing nation. Accept that fucking fact for a chance.

based boomer

let's all get permanent lung damage so green line go up

Attached: mfw-retard-fire.jpg (640x633, 139.68K)

this but unironically.
i hope gunfuckers get a taste of actual fucking tyranny

Dont forget zognald only wants the green line to go up so he wins another term and hes willing to kill your parents to do it.

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mutt army approaching in 3... 2... 1...

I live in a "good" socialist country and curiously a lot of my countrymens go live in the USA, never the over way around. Go figure


highly driven people are a lot more likely to relocate, and for them the us gives the best opportunities.
depressed, lazy people don't have the energy required to switch countries.

I unironically think we need a plague to cull the weak and stupid

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I was 13 once, too.

Dems will defend this

Imagine voting. Imagine being retarded.

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He can still get a job as a grocer or delivery person

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what u mean

look up what lucrative profressionals get paid in the us then compare that to what they make in any other country.

then look up what people pay for childcare / education / healthcare etc. in other countries and compare that to what they pay in the us.

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All of my countrymens who go live in the US start to shit on our country and its policies after a few months.

Literally every other country (Save china): Manages to come through this ok.

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maybe because for them US policies actually work out better? hence they left to live there?

>that third world English
>I live in a "good" socialist country
Nobody considers your Eastern European shithole to be a "good" socialist country.

Italy has 24k dead with 60 million people, the US has 40k dead with 330m people. I thought Europeans were supposed to be the ones who are good at math.

Btw one theory is that countries who greet eachother with a kiss, like Italy, are getting hit harder and that would likely explain why it was hitting like 70% older men, not women.

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>Not if you have a good socialistic government like mine
Me too, feels good that nobody here respect authority enough to stay at home, also my goverment has not enough money to enforce the law properly.

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>muh income
Sucks for mutts but I get 80% of my salary covered by the govt while my employers tops it to to 100%, all whilst enjoying a paid leave safe in the knowledge if I do catch anything, it will be taken care of, free of charge.

Youre from Canada and the country is going to be rubble in 20 years.



You mean the one thats had a year straight of violent street protests/rioting because its such a shithole and they were going to pass harsh anti-worker laws, yea, great example.

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>Ever thought of as good in the last few years

whiter than you sandeep

Yea because hes shaking in his boots at night that the dementia patient is going to beat him.

I'm sorry, how's that 1200 dollars you got? And your 2080 work year?
>tfw you work 1348 hours a year and make more than the average american.

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can confirm thats literally me
was supposed to move to the land of milk and honey but got cockblocked by the rona
now trump is shutting down immigration
its bumming me out dudes
I dont wanna be stuck in this socialst hellhole for the rest of my lfie
europe fucking sucks the people are cucks, the companies arre run by incompetent boomers, nothing innovative or exciting ever happens here. fuck I just want out.

Absolutely Based

>He thinks western governments are doing this for reasons other than to protect the big red line going up in the long term
You dont honostly thing western governments are hurting their economies because they care about its citizens do you?

Funny guy.


The U.S. is socialist as well, just socialist for the billionaires and large/mega cap corporations while everyone else gets some weird rigged pseudo-capitalist system that resembles an indirect form of slavery that was present in Rome following the Third Servile Wars. Probably one of the worst implementations you can do. So don't insult capitalism by trying to claim that the U.S. is currently a healthy implementation of it. It's like trying to claim that the Soviet Union or Venezuela was a healthy implementation of socialism when places like Nazi Germany existed which demonstrated quite clearly it's not the idea, but rather the implementation that counts.