how is it possible that the fed keeps printing trillions per week, the president signals that he's going to start an entire new deal based on making another ton, yet the USD is going up against literally everything else? gold is going down. bitcoin is going down. real estate is going down. oil is going down. stocks are going down, despite the fed directly funneling many trillions of freshly printed USD into them.
this shit is only becoming more valuable compared to almost any other form of asset in the world.
The term Jew first appears in the bible in second Kings and is not synonymous with Hebrew or Israelite.
James Gomez
Value is based on faith in being repaid. Everyone who isn't a schizo on Yas Forums knows the US is the most Rock steady economy in the world
Ian White
Because inflation is mostly a spook to keep Americans from asking too much from the gubmint
Logan Lee
Because the hyperinflation in response to deficit spending boogeyman is a myth perpetuated by rich people who don’t want to see more competition in the form of more wide spread liquidity. Printing money and fed spending does nothing to the value of the dollar because the dollar is not finite and supply does not affect its worth
I always found it interesting they are called Jews and not Israelites. Even people living in Israel are reffered to as Israelis. Really makes you think. Almost like the people that abduct, torture, and rape children aren't really God's chosen people.
Lucas Price
Nobody believes in Jesus as society once did. You are wrong. The majority of the world is abandoning Jesus.
Ethan Howard
First of all, in Revelation God himself talks about jews that call themselves jews but are really the "synagogue of satan" Its all been done before. This shit is cyclical.
Daniel King
It’s a global economy crash. Every market is suffering, every country is suffering. The value of a dollar is relative to the rest of the world.
Joshua Perez
the devil is happy. Because the Bani Isra'il (Childeren of israel) were righteous people. But God stopped calling them Bani Isra'il, because they went astray. God calls them the yahudi (jews) and nasar (christians).
Owen Wilson
I guess they can do it as long as they don't pay their debts with it?
Wyatt Thomas
It’s deflationary, you dumb nazi trash. Mike Maloney explained it all. Dollar destruction is faster than dollar creation. You retards are mike brrr brrr, but dollar destruction is ackackackack!!!! While ramming your ass like a Gatling gun, and all you little dick Nazis can understand is brrbrrr cuz u you sure literally fucking retarded. But to anyone with half a neuron it’s so obvious.
Aiden Martin
The fed isn't printing money and can't print money. All they can do is make bank reserves. And banks aren't lending. People aren't spending money. There is a massive multi trillion dollar shortage of collateral in the repo market (the actual repo market, not the fed repo program) the only collateral that is being accepted is on the run us treasury bills. everything is being sold to buy on the run us treasury bills to maintain funding, i.e. not go bankrupt. people have no choice but to sell even gold in many cases
Michael Butler
creation of new money isn't the main reason for inflation. Velocity of money is.
Anthony Phillips
it's ironic because you retarded christfags are against money that says "in god we trust" on it
fucking biggest brainlets on the planet and this board as well
Cameron Foster
Everyone is being fucked, and almost everyone is mostly invested in USD. The US is getting fucked least because of all the printing, thus everyone else is relatively worth less than USD IN SPITE OF the printing.
Lincoln Sullivan
t. literal inbred
Isaiah Ortiz
There is a lot of foreign debt denominated in dollars. That causes extreme demand for dollars relative to other currencies
Jack Powell
I honestly wonder sometimes how i share the same world with people of this intellect. Often I question how is it that they survive day to day...
Everybody is dumb. The real answer is that we are in a deflationary period. The stock market inflates, then deflates right? So there is a flight to cash, people can’t pay their rent in gold, etc. also, a lot of global trade is denominated in USD. these people need dollars to settle business (for now) so their currencies go down even more. The entire word is printing cash right now. This doesn’t last forever, first you have deflation, then inflation. The fed will probably have to purposely devalue the USD by around 50% to get global finance gears turning again. This is several months down the road, and when gold, btc, etc will moon. Just strap the fuck in now, hoard cash and try to buy the dip in a few months bc then you won’t want fucking dollars