Bought Halliburton and Marathon Oil

Fuck bros, I just bought 1,000 shares each. Bought MRO at 4 dollars and HAL at 7.4. Are these companies likely to survive or should I get rid of them? I’m scared

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Is this you

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I hope that money was not important to you.

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You got in too early. There’s still a 50% drop coming

I don’t care so much about price dropping. I’m more concerned about bankruptcies. It seems MRO has the least debt and strong balance sheet. I don’t know about Halliburton other than it’s survived bad situations in the past

they fucked, the whole market is fucked. They are literally paying people to hold oil for them.

imagine buying stocks right now

son you gone and don goofed

why did you buy an industry that's crashing right in front of your eyes

You will be fine.

Im long:

Im more fucking concerned about XOM than I am MRO.

Dont listen to the sheep. It pays to be greedy while others are fearful.

Haliburton is better than Marathon Oil balance sheet wise. Though you were pretty retarded to buy both since they both track the oil price

I believe RDS and MRO are the best long term bets also. However my holding in Halliburton is what is sketchy they just laid off I’ve 1000 employees

Why do you people never just go with an oil super like Exxon. Its literally the safest option man.

Typically I would look at layoffs as a huge problem, but I think taking into perspective the corporate culture of Halliburton is important.

If the company I currently work for started doing lay offs, it would be the end of the world.

Halliburton would gun down a mother in front of her child to save a buck.

Layoffs in their company are hard to interpret.

If you know any employees that work there, I would wonder if they canceled 401k matching company wide yet.

>Dont listen to the sheep. It pays to be greedy while others are fearful.

It also pays to wait until the building is no longer on fire to go in and try to salvage valuables.

fuck u

Usually the best time to buy is when there is blood in the water and people are fleeing. The challenging part is you have to pick the survivors. I thought Halliburton would survive this. Now I’m not so sure about anything

>blood in the water and people are fleeing
uh....retail investors keep running into oil and getting their asses kicked.

Its not done dropping. Absolutely make plans to get into good oil opportunities...just not now.


Curious what your positions are. Im the same way at the moment. Except also long on COP too for shits and gigs

Was it ever gonna work out for Yas Forums

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>imagine buying low now and selling high a year later

Marathon is a distribution side business so it shouldn't be hurt to bad, if anything they should be buying cheap right now.

Halliburton wagie here. AMA

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>Stocks going high again in a year

Come the fuck on, you cant seriously be this naive?

I'm pretty sure the lion's share of their profits are from their food and merch, kind of like how theaters don't make much from the ticket sales themselves.

Couldn’t be me

Marathon Oil has a Altman Z-Score of 1.18, indicating it is in Distress Zones. This implies bankrupcy possibility in the next two years.

Halliburton Co has a Altman Z-Score of 1.99, indicating it is in Grey Zones. This implies that Halliburton Co is in some kind of financial stress. If it is below 1.81, the company may face bankrupcy risk.

My wife worked there. Pretty terrible place. She made small explosives. She quit cause she asked about using a face mask to keep from breathing in hazardous chemicals and they asked her to sign a paper saying she would only be wearing it for fashion and not because you felt the need for extra protection at the workplace.

So you are saying they will probably have to keep shedding employees and selling off equipment assests?

Sounds like the kind of stuff they pull out of states. Where did she work? Also explosives are cool.

MRO will be in trouble if oil prices don't recover by early 2021. They have enough cash to survive until then.

I also have MRO and HAL.