>bought 100 barrels of oil at -37$
>sold all of them at +20$
how much did i gain, percentage wise?
>bought 100 barrels of oil at -37$
>sold all of them at +20$
how much did i gain, percentage wise?
Other urls found in this thread:
based dog
trick question, for you to buy something at -37 they have to pay you, the only way to work out a true estimate is to know which price you bought in at a positive value
How did OP get negative dollars?
My ios trading app only has positive dollars.
57 dollars per swap/contract
Percentage wise depends on what your margin is, not sure how you calculate margin on a negative asset
Just like usual. It's -150% or so. The confusion comes from the direction. If you are in the negatives, a further decline would be expressed by a positive percentage, and a move towards zero as a negative percentage.
For example: -10 changes by -50%: -10 + -.5*-10 = -5.
Percentages dont really tell you anything in this situation, but that was OPs point I guess.
What was your labor to transport the oil?
What was your overhead from purchasing the vessel to store the oil?
Use that as your buy price and the difference in buy/sell value as your sell price.
50% you either did or you didn't
Those were delivered future so you have to cover delivery cost. use this to calculate your net gains.
that dog was balls deep in her ass later that night while the cuck videotaped it
>he said as if implying there was something wrong about it
fake shill
You had an initial investment of 0. There's no corresponding percentage (or infinity perhaps).
would have to use the imaginary number i
percentages do not matter in this case. figure out the storage costs for your investment and then subtract them from the gains.
based and dogpilled
Paid -37$
Got paid 20$
Got paid - Paid = 57$
You lost money you dumbass, go fire yourself!!!
why would you need the imaginary plain for this?
You fucking idiot.
This is like the funniest post I've seen in the last few days. oh man it makes me lol
about tree fiddy
Please tell me you have sauce
Gain $5700.
Cost $0.
Brent crude is still selling at $20, West Texas $12. Retards, all of you.
What's the source of that video? Asking for a friend.
7 hours later and biz still can't solve it
mutt’s law
How can he just sit there and take it?
All high test Asians were culled by war or vicious regimes
NONE because you bought an expired contract that you cant take delivery on you fuckin retard