Fucked up

Bout to be 25. Bday coming up. Still poor. Worthless degree. Not much saved. Never even kissed a girl. Being 5'5" fucked me up and made me feel like a little boy. Limb lengthening surgeries cost 50k. In total with all the surgeries I want, I'd need 100k.

I am stupid, poor, and short. Is this a sign I'm supposed to die soon? Imagine having such a shit life at my age.
Also, I 100% refuse to become 30. 28 is probably the max years I'll be alive.

What the fuck. This life was total dogshit.
Rate my life as if it were yours. 1-10. 1 being "I would kms if I were you". 5 is neutral so obviously this should be a 1-4 for you guys.
Also have demons in my head. Hardcore complexes. 4k+ suicidal notes on my phone. Mental hospital history. Etc.

All dogshit.
Also, before you mention everything about women, they can go fuck themselves. I want dick removal surgery anyways. This is much deeper than just that.

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If btc doesnt give me 100k more or less in a years time, I'm fucking DONE

is this larp/pasta ?

Stop watching porn

if not, I don't know what to say. Limb lengthening sounds dumb. Don't waste money. It will sound stupid because you have "your" version of yourself in your mind but the key is work on accepting yourself. Bit by bit. It's a long process and it requires discipline. Nothing comes easy as you know by now.

Suicide is just a "sign-of" under a memorial saying "I got a body, mind, heart but I gave up beacuse I was too weak". It's the worst thing a man can do.

PS. I started playing "Sky: Children of light" yesterday. Give it a chance. It will relax your mind.

All the best user.

Haha little boy man lmao

Damn this board really is Reddit now

Unironically I planned for a while to go to reddit. I come to Yas Forums only to read/post on Yas Forums.

Fucking lady gaga, man

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Sadly, no.
You dont get it.

> work on accepting yourself
stupid cope meme



You're welcome

Ok then. Continue hating yourself. It sure does help you.

Ya and the alternative is going full retard and pretending bad things are good

what is your incels.co username based boy?



Wrong. Best to read a book about it and decide yourself.

Also, books are for nerds.

No, it's just learning to deal with them. You basically have 2 choices, deal with it in some way or kill yourself. Both options are fine, but just fucking pick one.

>learning to deal with them.
I pick the second if btc doesnt moon in a years time.


All of life is cope. Waging is cope, patriotism is cope, hobbies are cope, religion is cope, it's all one big cope. People cope with the uncontrollable circumstance called "life" until they die and don't have to cope anymore. You're not special and just because something is cope doesn't mean it's bad.

none of that shit matters op, I never kissed anyone until I was 29

also who gives a fuck if you're short


>You're not special
I am tho :).
Let me make it BEYOND simple, brainlet.

If someone gets a paper cut and another person hets their arm chopped off, what hurts more? Not rocket science. I've CLEARLY had it worse than 99% of humans

I give a fuck considering I was the most obsessed human to ever live when it came to training my body but then I stopped when I realized I capped at 5'5" which basically gave me ptsd. Suicidal for literally over 8 years now.

Cringe kys

Oh, you're this schizo. I've seen your threads before. If you've been around for this long, why haven't you ended it already? Do you actually enjoy life more than you're letting on, or are you too scared?

Would KMS.
weak-minded, lazy ass, self pitying, "I need to be spoon fed or I'm not playing", "my brain isn't big enough so I can't try", typical millennial simp bitch.
Why wait until 28?

Scared like a bitch plus btc. If btc fails, it's 100% over. Literally my last hope.

So? Deal with it. Life isn‘t fair.

If you commit suicide that literally confirms what a little bitch you are.