Whatever happened to peak oil? I thought we were running out of this shit 15-20 years ago and now all of a sudden it's literally worth less than piss. The game is all rigged
Whatever happened to peak oil...
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Yes and we will mine space for gold.
short answer, afaik, is that with mining tech getting better (eg, fracking), we can drill deeper and extract more. used to be "oil will run out in 2050" but it looks like it'll be a little further on
as for now - no one's going anywhere, there's no demand and near everywhere is filled up with oil. all that supply and fuck all demand
Corona happened, the whole economy is in stand-still and oil wells are still pumping. Supply meet no demand.
we'll never run out, our earth is making it all the time from dead stuff
it was just another lie by communist global warming alarmists
never listen to them, they are insane
Pretty much this
You believed the big lie. We were never running out fifteen years ago. What was there wasn’t worth pulling out of the ground. Technology has improved since then.
Most oil on the planet is trapped in frack-accessible deposits, user. What we call "conventional oil" deposits are actually the weirdo formations. Conventional oil was the appetizer. With fracking, we'll run out of oil closer to 2250.
Nobody will see it coming.
This is so cool.
It's already rearing its head on the horizon.
Follow this autistic neet for info on the energy market.
We will never run out of oil by the time we would be projected to run out of oil, our dependence on oil would be so low anyway it wouldn't matter, oil is going to be the new coal in 50-70 years
Just take a look on chronology, it's all obvious.
>China gets corona'ed, which leads to no demand in oil by China
>Whole World gets corona'ed, which leads to no demand in oil by the World
>OPEC happens, which leads to increasing oil puping just cause
>China starts to buy oil and other shit at cheapest, everyone else basically doing it too
>OPEC manages to short pumping, which stabilize market by giving confidence
>we hit bottom again but this time no one even buy oil since storages are full
>we are here
At first i thought it was a puppet play to make China gets better out of all of it, but now i'm starting to think it's a very big incompetence which will still favor to China.
>takes 50 million years to develop
>we've used around half in 150 years
I hope you're memeing. There's a fuck ton of oil around, but once its gone, its gone
>I thought we were running out of this shit 15-20 years ago
I don't think you understand what 'peak oil' means.
you got memed in grade school
i'm sorry
99% of the economy is based on imaginary numbers in pixie dust banks and 1% of the economy actually physically exists so you can't inflate it with fed bullshit. When everything crashes that 1% is the bit that you can't hide no matter what you do, that's oil right now. Make no mistake, resource economies are in better position than service economies right now. But unlike service economies they can't just draw random numbers on their balance sheets, their resources actually physically exist
>take a look at this dodgy website
>using a creationist website as your source
Holy shit you're actually fucking retarded
Why don't you kys
That website is indeed a meme, but oil can be both synthesized (expensive, energy negative, not worth it) or liquefied from coal (energy positive but not worth it at current prices).
the earth generates oil somehow, its not decomposed remains, how could thee possibly be piles of shit enough to decompose into so much oil and how is it literally miles and miles under the ground
Projections are fun aren't they?
Now go use two moving averages to try and divine the movements of pump and dump shitcoins
>literally worth less than piss
Are you LITERALLY saying that all these jugs of piss fermenting in my bedroom are worth money?
china gets sued by world for 10 trillions because of wuflu
Thats the only hope that still stops me from diversifying into chink yuan.
Because if they will manage to get away with it, they will be too far away.
imagine 200 million years. imagine a single forest worth of biomass for 200 mill yrs. that what become oil. easy to see why so much
this Im honestly so tired of all the lies and bullshit and the stupid normies eating them up at face value
what mean this pic?
We did but we kept on finding more reserves and developed better mining technology
Keep in mind though that it's still a finite resource and that once we run out we're fucked
Even if you're the most staunch anti renewables 100% red blooded american republican who thinks climate change is a communist scam at the rate we're blasting through it (tens of BILLIONS year) it's going to run out eventually and there's no gaurantee we'll be able to find new reserves that can be accessed while still maintaining profit.
The only reason you should be against renewable tech is if you're an oil barron who makes billions of dollars a year and your ego is so large you're more concerned about your income increasing than the world being able to function
*10s of billions of barrels per year
All Malthusian arguments are a scam OP. Muh climate change is just the latest version of the same argument:
>earth's resources are finite
>every year there are more people using more resources
>we will run out of resources
>therefore you need to give up your freedom to allow (((experts))) to control access/use of resources globably
This argument has been made ever since people thought we were going to run out of food in the 1700s. It turns out that people are capable of innovating, and extract/use resources more efficiently over time. With oil specifically we were "running out" until we figured out that we could extract oil by fracking, and now have more oil then we could possibly use in 100 year. tl;dr fuck Gretta
>10 trillions
So like 10 bucks by modern value
More importantly: who was phone?