I was holding UCO now it says its untradeable

I was holding UCO now it says its untradeable...
Did i hit the jack pot?
How i cash in

Attached: Screenshot_20200421-005241_Robinhood.jpg (1080x2280, 295.53K)

The market is not open yet, my dude...

So just wait and sell first thing?

also congrats


That's a data error. UCO just had a 1:25 reverse split during the off hours. It's actually down 5% in the pre-market after adjusting for the reverse split.

My mistake, it's actually down 19% in the pre-market after adjusting for the reverse split.

So no dollarinos?

wait for the market to open to see what the price is

God speed bros ,ill come back tomorrow and ill send a zeno your way if i stoke gold

I sold it yesterday. That would be $20 000 now.

Holla holla get dolla.
I'm in the same boat, OP, sure hope my dick stays this erect tomorrow morning.

Im holding a few as well buts it not big bucks but its a start

Lets hope this is real and we get thru this on the bezt green day

it is a 1-for-25 reverse stock split. I did not miss anything.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 10.36.29.png (1772x2300, 395.45K)

:^( Machine should be more careful the way it displays that during the process, what a rude thing to do.


Robinhood doesnt support uco anymore wheres my money niggers

Lol robinhood's interface is so shit
Imagine how OP's heart is going to drop on open

So what happens to my $4.50 call now that the share price is $23.00?

Lol you’re gonna be so upset

Okay, so do I buy? If it had a 1:25 reverse split does that mean it's going to like $500 a share one (((the market))) normalizes?

I was literally just shitting myself thinking I missed out on the opportunity to make $16,703. There’s texts between me and a buddy of mine saying “I’m gonna put $1000 on UCO” it when it was $1.35, then I woke up to this shit... didn’t even realize there was a stock split.

so where is this trading now? I assumed robinhood would continue to list?

Now you have 112.50 calls.

Meant for

So does OP make a ton of money, or nah?

That really sucks if you don’t, dude...

You need to stop investing and start researching what the fuck you're doing before you end up homeless.
Also stay the fuck away from margin trading, you fucking retard. I only say this because I care about you.

$1,000 @ $1.35/share around 5pm yesterday = 740.74 shares

Split says 1 share = .04 of the new shares. So for every 25 you have, you have 1 of the new shares.

740.74 / 25 = 29.62

29.62 x 23.73 = $702.88

So you would have lost almost $300?????? Jesus Christ.

I'm not OP, I literally have $0 invested in anything. I just want to put like $2k into this shit. I mean how the fuck could crude oil not go up when the whole world runs on it? This has got to be a flash crash.

Maybe it is. However, PLEASE stop listening to shitcoin tier advice from anyone on here. Think logically user. You want to invest in an oil company that will first, SURVIVE and then make a profit off this. Go with an oil super like Exxon.