Anyone else
Anyone else <5000 LINK crew?
>Only 200 LINK
Yeah. Never bought a single shitcoin in my life, longing oil right now And I can’t tell you how happy and excited I am.
kill me
Literally same exact number fren
Only 1k and comfy. If it hits $1k I'm a millionaire, if it crashes I didn't lose that much. If it hits $100 can still buy a cabin and be comfy.
2.2 k link
my dick may not even work before i get millions. Whats the point boys?
200 LINK will be considered a big stack by normies when LINK hits $50. They will all be drooling over anyone with at least 100 LINK.
Normies drool over $20k?
10k is peanuts kid. You’ll need $5000 link before you impress anyone
same. Let's be miserable together, kid.
Sorry, but I gotta flex. 20yo with a 19k link stack. Feels really good(until someone mentions they have a 100k link stack).
fuckin crazy to think every post in this thread is the same person
21 with 100k my nigga but 19k is clearly good
I bought my first crypto on the 10th of March.. was depressed as fuck it plummets hugely 2 days later. Then went fuck it and have bought weekly on my poor man's wage.
400 Link
40000 PNK
I like geometry and am thinking of tattooing my balls as a symbolic gesture that I'll hold my bags for a long time.
T. Tradie on lockdown
To think I would have more than 50K LINK had I been here 2 years ago... Hurts.
>thinking link will ever be over $20
ITT delusion
I have 37 LINK
how likely is it that link will increase? Or are you guys just shilling? Serious question.. I know nothing about it or crypto.
We could tell you one thing or another thing and how would you know who was telling the truth?
Unironically 0% chance it will ever go above $3.8 again
I don't know, just want to hear opinions.
I have 600 LINK, sometimes I feel this is going nowhere.
4K link right now..
I had 4800 but i’m swinging 700 of it so I can be above 5K
3423 link and i’m still comfy despite being a linklet
it will either be valuable or it wont, we aren't sure
links value can only increase in the long run. the product is solid, the coppany has a good strategy, and is very good with communications, the CEO is charismatic and unique, the problem the company tacled is essential if not vital to the whole crypto space (that's why the project get so many partnerships and regularly)
the project is still in its infancy as staking, reputation and operating a node is still not open to the public, yet big companies and alot of defi projects are using it.
chainlinks tech ensures security, and they expand their offer by tackling other problems, like obfuscation on the public blockchain! (they could have just kept on allowing private blockchains to communicate with the outer world but they didnt, sergey wants corporations and financial institutions to use the public blockchain) that's why mixicles was created.
the team still has alot to do, they are hiring, and they don't burn the tokens they hold, they mstly do it to grow the network, and have more partnerships and acquire other techs.
the project has been backed by the biggest brains out there, ari juels, nick szabo, the white house CTO i don't remember his name, even vitalik is starting to recognize the importance of link.
this project, chainlink is like a pressure cooker ready to explode, the project is silently growing, and is also moving in the shadows as breadcrumbs has shown that very big investors are in on it, and that sergey has ties to some very important people in the banking industry. without the facts if you just look at the charts, the token has the most bullish chart of all projects, and is relentlessly going against all odds.
chainlink is the silent revolution that will eventually overtake the whole crypto space.
I hope i helped you out fren, btw you had 3 years
You. Just. Buy. More.
2000 linkies here waiting for the next dip under 2.00 going to buy another 1,000
Just buy it and hold onto it
Link is one of the most important projects in crypto and you should be buying hand over fist until at least 10$. Prices are low bc of corona (before the crash link was setting ATHs and was ready to explode), so this is probably the last good buying opportunity.