so i'm making like 3-4k a month just delivering food for grubhub now that my college classes have been moved online and my other part time job shut down. i don't need the money for expenses and i have no real emotional attachment to it since the job is so easy and i can just drive around listening to podcasts.
what's the best way to invest it? so far i've been putting 40% in crypto, 40% in stocks, and 20% in precious metals. i've got about 700 link now and a few ETH along with a little bit of bitcoin, PNK, XRP, and XTZ.. should i try to get to 32 ETH for staking before buying up more link? should i stay out of stocks until we figure out what the fuck is going on with the pandemic? is silver a dumb investment?
it varies. usually around 30-40 a week. i average $20-30 an hour. it would be a little bit less but my parents have me on their gas card and are cool with me using it for the job. been making more like $25-35 an hour after coronavirus though since i think some people are afraid to deliver and there's much less traffic which makes delivery times faster. big tips too. grubhub also pays a bonus for no tip orders (black people) so you make money even if people don't leave a tip.
it's pretty lucrative and low stress. definitely recommend it if you have a car and live in a decently populated area with a lot of restaurants.
Joshua James
Interesting OP Why grub hub over door dash or post mates? Do you have to go to the hood often? How many miles do you put on/do you have a Prius or something?
Nolan Robinson
What city?
Eli Ward
grubhub has a higher market share in my area. i did doordash for a little bit too but wasn't getting as many deliveries also you get walmart deliveries where people don't tip until after the order and you can lug 50 bags up 3 flights of stairs for a $0 tip.
i also do a local delivery company that's just in my area that guarantees $8 a delivery but keeps your tips which is sketchy but i still make around $20-30 an hour with them since i can usually do 3 deliveries an hour if i don't get stuck waiting for food.
i have my dad's old 2009 honda accord so i don't care about putting miles on it since i'm just gonna get a new one in a few years anyway. since i'm not just delivering pizza/wings the car doesn't really smell like food after i'm done either.
mileage depends on the shift but i've probably put on 5k miles in the past few months. i can deduct mileage and gas when i file my taxes next year so i'm keeping all the receipts. as far as delivering to the hood. occasionally but i'm 6'3 and 215lbs so i'm not really worried about it. don't carry cash either.
i deliver in albany/troy/shenectady NY. good area for it. several colleges. 3 cities within a 20 mile radius.
Jonathan Phillips
any advice on what to do with the money?
is a 40/40/20 split in stocks/crypto/precious metals advisable?
Easton Young
Thanks for the info OP. McWagie’s is only giving me 10 hours/wk. I’m looking for other income sources, I’ll be sure to keep deliveries in mind.
Leo Murphy
yeah there are much worse ways to make money. especially if you don't particularly like dealing with people. i have no boss that i need to talk to and i just go into the restaurant to pick up the food for 2 seconds and then drop it off. very easy and low stress.
it only gets annoying when the food gets delayed and you got to wait because restaurants are backed up but you see what restaurant it is and how much you're getting paid and then can choose to accept or reject the order so if you know a restaurant is run poorly and is always running late you just reject their ordres.
Luke Rivera
I'm in a similar position, my split is 3k month into investments 500 into high interest savings.
i'm 50/50 split crypto and stocks, precious metals are a safe store of wealth but i don't plan to touch it until i have at least a 1MM.
crypto i'm accumulating btc and xmr. I mined a bunch of ltc early and sold not too far from the top so most of my stack is in btc from that sale. stocks i go for mid cap tech and biomed after doing a tonne of research before i buy anything, up around 170% over 4 years but sitting negative on 2 that i think will either 100x or bust in the next 2 years.
Sebastian Cox
what stocks do you recommend?
Lincoln Fisher
most recent investment was ASX:HACK, bearshare ASX etf for cybersecurity stocks. it dipped low on the march bloodbath so i bought in then. I'm doing some research on ASX:CAN and ASX:AC8 atm, might be worth looking at
Luke Jones
If you already have link don’t even bother with the other crypto’s at this point and just get silver. If you go to SRSrocco report and read the comments to the amazing analysis by Rocco you will see we are completely and utterly fucked. Whatever you do tho make sure you get 100 ASE silver eagles under you ASAP
Charles Evans
take your meds
Jeremiah Gomez
i have about 50oz of silver and a few batbois. probably gonna hold off on accumulating more unless crypto/stocks really start going downhill, in which case i'll wait for the bottom before scooping more up.
worth buying an oz or two of gold or will silver offer better returns in the long run?
Jose Johnson
any US stocks? not sure if i can even trade australian stocks on my robinhood account
James Long
will you be my girlfriend?
Jason Gomez
not planning to transition sorry
Colton Cooper
anybody else got some advice for me?
Jaxson Gonzalez
guess not. prob should have not asked at 3am EDT.
if anybody else has any questions about delivering food with apps or has advice for me about investing i'll check the thread in a little bit.
Dominic Hill
I wish I could do what you do but >I don't have a car, only a truck that eats gas >I live in a shitty commute suburb in Texas so everything is far away
and so I'm stuck earning $9 an hour at my extremely stressful burger job
Dominic Collins
All in LINK. You can buy the 32 ETH later.
Camden Sullivan
Faggot, we don't need more people signing up to be drivers. You're supposed to say how shitty it is. More drivers = less deliveries for the current drivers.
Juan Cooper
i mean you have to be on a block here to get deliveries and they cap that so it really doesn't affect earning potential. would make it harder to get blocks though.
Luis Smith
Just save the cash for when you inevitably get sick. Youre putting yourself at great risk.
Ryan Diaz
I delivered for a couple weeks and always got lost and ended up delivering cold food lmao
Evan Walker
i wear a facemask and 80% of deliveries are contact free. 0.1% mortality rate for people under 40 years old.
how is that possible? is this 1995 and you don't have GPS on your phone?
Michael Carter
>NY yeah I wouldn't risk my life for some extra bucks
there are like 400 confirmed cases in my county. 90% of the cases are in NYC, and like i said 0.1% mortality rate for people under 40 and i wear a facemask.
Mason Morales
Stop asking for spoonfeeds and DYOFR. I say this to help you avoid losing your shirt because you half assed it and didnt know wtf you were doing.
Luke Phillips
>stop asking for investment advice on a financial message board
i get that 75% of the coins shilled here are scams, but it's going to be hard to lose my shirt investing 60% of my money in blue chips and precious metals. if crypto goes completely bust that's fine like i said this is easy fucking money and i have no emotional attachment to it nor do i need it for expenses.
Julian Morales
This is why we'll win bro. Even people who should be above herd mentality and capable of common sense fall for govt fud.
My job sends me all over the U.S. I've seen firsthand this pandemic is bullshit. And im making out like a bandit.
Charles Butler
Im not saying stop asking for advice, im saying stop asking to be handheld. Youre not sure if RH handles aussie stocks? then fucking find out. im not trying to be a dick, im trying to help you avoid throwing money at something you don't fully understand and losing your ass.
Levi Nguyen
ok, i didn't mean i don't know. i know for a fact you can't buy aussie stocks on robinhood.