Investment during corona

What would you recommend I invest in to make the greatest profit I can in these times; I haven't invested in anything ever until now, so I'm completely clueless.

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Xdag, monero & bitcoin for crypto
S&P 500 for stocks

A Yas Forums Gold account, of course

kleros and idena sirs

You require a FourChan Gold Account in order to view this post

Will look that up
I don't get the jokes; anyone care to explain?

Stocks are unironically more exciting that crypto right now. Crypto is just crabbing.
Wait till the 2nd dip crash and pretty much buy anything.

Any predictions when that will occur?

evryone can see what happened after 08 so buying every fucking dip tho

tell me how long you've been here and i'll give you the lowdown

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On Yas Forums only like thrice; have been posting on other boards for a couple years though.

this Vitalik guy is so smug

80% Ethereum
20% Zcash

I got out of stonks and dollars completely. Corporations pretty much own themselves at this point so dividends are unlikely in the near future (see pic)

The normal person has no idea how OPEC arbitrage keeps the dollar in demand despite our trade deficit. So yaaa dollars are fucked to.

If you look really hard behind the scenes all the tech bros are really big into blockchain technology. They can use blockchain Economics to directly turn their goods and services into the equivalent of money to trade with each other. In this economic system there is no demand for Fiat like dollars so at best the dollar will be a tool to direct labor while having no actual trade value.

Pretty much everything ties back into the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance. Even this ID2020 doom porn has a Ethereum Enterprise Alliance board member on it. Significant effort seems to be directed towards onboarding people to blockchain systems with Decentralized identity projects.

Links below for projects with a Enterprise Ethereum board member on them.
( project director )
( team member ) ( scroll down to partners )
( program adviser ) ( look at partners on right side )
( program adviser ) ( travel international identity )
( Board of directors )

Also see (EEA member) (EEA) ( important for Enterprise internal blockchain use. Directly interfaces with Ethereum)

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That is the founder of Yas Forums retard.

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Bump. I am also completely clueless.
I have around 2000 $ in my savings account. How do i invest this money in stocks? Can i just go to my local bank and tell them what stocks i want to buy?

Google Robinhood

Lol doesn't matter how many dollars you make if dollars collapse. Buy something physical.

Like gold certificates? I heard gold is goin up too a lot.

>thinks that inflation, and not deflation, is the fiscal challenge going forward

You are going to be shocked and horrified by what happens next

Ur a fucking glow nigger. I saw a post where you said -15$ when someone asked what a good price for oil was.

Also yesterday you said it was going negative and it would be like Y2K because no one programmed for it.

Glownigger trip fag Char fag. You must have known before hand.

No one listen to this guy he says chainlink is a scam. This glow nigger wants us to sell our linkies

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Make a few thousand on BTC if you can afford the investment. Don't overdo it.

First 7 grand in physical Gold, followed by 3 grand in physical Silver; then maintain ratio from there. Once you've got enough saved, move into property with a 50/50 split between PM's and Land. It's as foolproof of an investment plan as it gets, and in the current times PM's are set to be extra profitable if you sell before correction due to their usual boosts during economic crashes.

Shit like (pajeet) and (reddit spacing, avatarfagging tripnigger advertising the redditcoins) not only assumes that you have general knowledge of the markets- which for newcomers, lack of knowledge and not realising that they're on a Duning Kreuger curve's peak can not only lead to lost money via simple mistakes, but also overinvesture due to not knowing what is and is not good general market prediction.

tl;dr Gold and Silver have almost never been a historically bad investment (as in, they're deemed more of a value safe haven than liquid cash), are long term, slow burners, don't need any signup or shit like that to get into, only need to account for premiums (and VAT on some Silver), and are unlikely to lose money due to the fact they are (together) the two most stable market assests on the planet (even more than government bonds and, topically coincedental, crude oil). You're not going to gain that much money, but at the same time, you'd have to buy at a pretty fucking high peak to lose money (and even then, just wait a few years and you'll be back in the green). To further add to PM's being good for beginners, having them physically in your hand is uniroincally a good psychological reminder for the value of money, and there's only 2 (4 if you count Plat and Pall) market variables to learn (as oppose to the 100's of bonds/indexes, 1,000's of cryptos and 1,000,000's of stocks)


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Reposting from /PMG/

lol imagine being so retarded you do not even read what you are trying to FUD

Also imagine being so retarded you buy silver or gold literally thinking its a good investment and not even taking into account inflation. or the fact that it has been devaluing even faster then inflation.

Price of silver ~1980 650$
Price of silver now ~15$

you are a Cuck

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Not going to pretend 99% of crypto posts are jeet scams but my i am legit

if you want to fight me over Boomer rocks i am going to make you look like a total retard. I know far more about economics then you clearly do.

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>calling me a retard
>not even knowing why Silver is supressed
Imagine giving advice on shit you have no idea what you're talking about.

Please tell me why is that the case.

Imagine getting so rekt by by a crypto fag you resort to cryptic nonsense rather then trying to refute my logical and historically accurate statement.

Unlike the retarded person shilling boomer rocks i am actually going to take the time to explain my position.

1: Both gold and silver have performed worse then a low interest savings account. In fact you would have been better off holding dollars historically in most cases and that is fucking sad.

2: Crypto is mostly a scam however holding plain old Ethereum will most likely be the best bet. This is because Ethereum is just gas in a network all the Fortune 500 tech bros are drooling over. It is about the only asset you can be reasonably sure of will hold value into the future as we transition into a economy that turns literally all goods and services into money themselves. Basically a trade economy facilitated by blockchain economics. The people with the most power will obviously be corporations since money is now directly goods and services only they can create it.

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Lition is probably the most obvious x100 token ever, but you have to be patient. There will be no pump and dump bullshit by the team. They focus on tech development, alliances and reputation. Your crypto money is not relevant to them, they already earn enough Euros as an green energy provider.

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that's sigourney weaver you filthy newfag


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