everyone please take a moment to thank you kim jung un for the cheapies
Aaron Rivera
First for brain dead Kimmy
Anthony Foster
>tfw got my spousal green card application back in the mail today saying that it was missing forms that were not missing from the application, probably because they knew this was gonna happen welp >FUCK IMMIGRANTS rude desu
>us skyrockets in covid cases because he refused to do anything, causing the economic crisis >bailed out all his rich jew friends and devalued our savings >failed to pump oil >cuts cheap labor it's like he really is trying to destroy the country
Evan Cox
This. Time to invest into defense and wall building companies. Also good ol' American steel.
As a tech worker in seattle this fills me with such joy. Send. Them. Back. Fuck these people they just want to exploit america and not contribute to this great nation.
Samuel Flores
Ok, Biden. Just because no watches your stream doesn't mean you should be posting here of all places.
Colton Wilson
South koreans down 2.23%
Lucas Robinson
damn, i wonder why
Ryan Bell
>you have to go back
Hunter Carter
FANG nigga?
t. F
Aiden Fisher
why do trumpniggers always cry about biden or hillary when trump betrays them
Xavier Flores
Futures should be up on this news, immigration will only make the crisis worse for companies, are traders retarded?
Colton Sanders
Hopefully we start putting chinks in camps
Ryder Evans
Population growth is the main driver of economic growth, simple as. Stagnant country is a dead country.
Oh I doubt it, that's their future in one program, they'll starve their own people for power.
Ethan Garcia
yeah that would blow. but you just said you were a seattle tech worker?
Jackson Watson
Jason Davis
are you fucking retarded? Yes. And like i said it is impossible to live here if I wasnt in tech.
Robert Morris
Really really good. Look like a nice growth company. Them LHX and RTX are the defense plays for me, with RTX giving me airline exposure.
Julian Myers
Aaron Morgan
They're upset about losing a source of (practically) slave labor. Obviously, they don't want the gravy train to end for those companies (mostly tech) that exploit under-paid foreigners while simultaneously driving down wages and opportunities for US citizens. They're probably also somewhat worried about long-term GDP growth prospects based on historically examining Japan post-90's.
TVIX and SPXU here. Bought in last week near the highs.
Don't futures go negative pretty often lately? Is this such a big deal?
Jeremiah Howard
why do trumpniggers always cry about the democrats when trump betrays them yes nigger minorities bring the highest profits, now we will outsource even more lmfao
Parker Rogers
Got too cocky... screen cap them please
Blake Taylor
Yes it's a big deal because my position is at -700 now
Eli Young
I wonder how many Americans are stoned out of their minds right now trying to figure out if all the shit that happened today was real or not
If you really think people aren't going to try as hard as they can to "return to normal" when society reopens, I suggest you check out #WHATIMDOINGFIRST on twitter: