Tell me how to buy crude oil RIGHT NOW. I don't understand any of this contagarino cushing bullshit...

Tell me how to buy crude oil RIGHT NOW. I don't understand any of this contagarino cushing bullshit, I just want to buy USO at 3.75, someone tell me how to buy that shit with a credit card REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Other urls found in this thread:

only big boys are allowed
you are not allowed to make money on this
be on time for work OK

this but unironically
only the rich boys will make bank on current events
wagies go to sleep, you have work tommorow

faggot kys
OP your only hint is to create a trading account somewhere.

Just go to your local gas station and pick up a barrel of crude

Just post a photo of your credit card front and back and i 'll show you :)

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Robin Hood or any brokerage account. You need to jump through a bunch of verification and funding hoops before you can buy though, so you'll probably miss the bell tomorrow.

I don't mess with after hours personally. The sharks will eat me.

He's got a few days. It's not recovering any time soon.

Do they just roll the barrels over to the plane to put it in...?

Wtf is rolling contracts? Do I have to keep paying every month to keep my shares? Or will the shares be reduced over time? Why the fuck are they making this so complicated, just sell me a piece of notarised and legit paper that says I own x barrels of oil in some arab shithole, and then let me sell that piece of paper to some sucker in 5 years.
Also what's better brent crude or uso?

I posted this in the pinned thread op, just copypasting it. The only difference here is that if you want to buy with a credit card you will have to find a way of turning it into cash first, then depositing the money into your back account because Robinhood doesn’t accept money straight from your credit card. You sign your bank account in and they transfer from there. Coincidentally, I myself am thinking about doing this with my credit cards. In my case, I’m going to buy bitcoin, sell it, transfer the money to my bank account, and from my bank account transfer the money to robinhood. You can do it through other ways. Buying pre paid cards, transfering between paypal accounts, your choice.

Follow this,
>make an account with a broker
>robinhood is the best at the moment because you don’t need to wait until the deposit gets into your account in order to start trading. Up to $5000 of buying power in advance.
>go through all the process of opening the account
>click on buying power
>click deposit
>dump your money into it
>go to search
>search OIL
>buy what you can. I recommend big companies like XOM, phillips 66 but you can buy whatever you want. Just avoid the ones that are small and on the brink of bankruptcy.
>sell the shares once we’re back to normal-ish in a couple of months.

If this nigga helped you out, you can also use my referral code that we both get a free stock up to $500.

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Read the article I posted. You can't spot buy oil as a retail jerk.

Btw... I learned all of this shit today. I'm an oil brainlet...

You have to either directly buy oil futures (obligation to purchase for a pre determined price), which is where the meme of oil being delivered to your house at expiry comes from, or you buy the etfs and they buy huge baskets of oil future contracts for next month (USO), or further out futures (other products). They sell their position before expiry and buy the next set of futures before the oil needs to be actually purchased and delivered.

I meant credit card as in bank card/debit card whatever. There's no robinhood in australia, but apparently an app called Stake does the same thing. I sent my ID shit now, but I bet it's going to take a long ass time.
>big companies
Those barely took a hit and they won't do a x3 moon. Is there no way to profit for the lowest crude prices ever in history, ever in the history of mankind, ever?
>sell their position before expiry and buy the next set of futures before the oil needs to be actually purchased and delivered
I still don't get it... So if I bought oil futures I'd constantly have to be on the lookout for the expiry and very quickly dump them and buy new ones? Shouldn't this mean that I can always get more or less the same amount of shares I initially bought? None of this is making any sense to me

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Just go all in vanguard energy ETF then. If you dont know what an ETF is:

tl;dr it’s a pool of stocks that you can buy that track and profit from a specific market and not individual stocks

dont worry, oil is just going to become even more worthless the next 3 months

also we may or may not exterminate ourselves off this planet in that time

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Please stop recycling this thread.

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What's the spot on a truck of gravel?

Depends who's driving the truck.

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Based Lao Yang

Seriously though, do they roll the barrells up onto the wing to fill it up...?

Do you Encounter capturing and deciphering information difficulty?
@tachyon protocol brings you relief with their concurrent multi-routing and multi-relay forwarding scheme.

I used to think the chink was based, then I realised he'd say the same thing to white employees so fuck that chink and fuck china. Don't fall for the "based chinaman" meme.

you seem like someone that has a low IQ

why do you think that? please elaborate I'm curious, I don't often have conversations with actual high IQ individuals such as yourself.

you just do honestly. you seem like the kind of person that uses really simple heuristics to get by in life as opposed to embracing the unique complexity that is inherent to different situations. like I said, you just dont seem very smart and I mean that unironically. you most likely browse Yas Forums

25 minutes to write a sentence with
I'm smart enough to start sentences with a capital letter, now get dabbed on nigga. I forgot more about the world than you ever knew.

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>I still don't get it... So if I bought oil futures I'd constantly have to be on the lookout for the expiry and very quickly dump them and buy new ones?
Forget about buying futures, you will get rekt.
As for USO, it is a fund that buys the futures and then keeps rolling the contracts forward in time so they don't expire. The problem is contango. If you hold the May contract and need to roll it forward to June, you will lose money. You lose money because the current contract is priced low when the next contract is priced high, i.e. you are forced to sell low and buy high

Wait, so you're telling me I lose money if I buy something that's going to go up?

Based low iq individual

You're not buying something that's going up. You're buying contracts for cheap but then have an obligation to roll them over month on month, meaning you'll have to sell the expiring ones for cheap and, if the June ones are much more expensive, which they are, buy high.

Okay, so why the fuck would anyone ever buy this, and how do I buy something that isn't garbage? I thought stocks were just like crypto where you buy it and it sits in your account until you sell it. Why is this so obfuscated?