There’s a salvage Aventador for sale on Copart and the current bid is $137,000. Looks like some minor damage on the left side and the car starts up. Would you buy this car?
There’s a salvage Aventador for sale on Copart and the current bid is $137,000...
>buying a second hand supercar
just accept that you are poor "bro"
>minor damage
>Would you buy this car?
no because I tried this once with a cheaper vehicle thinking I was a genius and it turns out I'm just a retarded faggot. Everything costs you more than you think it does to repair it no matter how cheap you try to go or how much you try to do yourself, getting the rebuilt title is a fucking huge pain in the ass, is a ton of paper work and time, and costs money. It wasn't worth it to do with a 15k svt raptor, I have no idea how it would be worth it to do it was a supercar unless you cleared the title by taking it out of the country or something.
Absolute redpill here.
>that damage
You'll be FUCKED over by the cunts fixing the thing.
They'll juice everything they can from you.
>just a minor damage, bro
Only if I was a massive faggot named OP
What a sad fate for this car. I would buy it to give it the rightful necking it deserves.
whats up hoovie
It would be one of the more stupid investments biz has made, so hopefully someone goes for it.
yeah, its not that bad for someone who knows what they're doing and has a garage full of specialty tools to unfuck the frame and comnections in the car world to acquire the parts.
ie, yeah sure do it if you're already a supercar mechanic or well known youtuber
>Imagine paying for a lambo-guinea when you can buy a 720S or GT3-RS.
>speciality tools for a speciality car
>speciality parts for a speciality car
>no special manual / forums for a speciality car
>thinking your special enough to fix it.
>blue ugly higher maintenance luxury car
no, for me it's a classy german muscle for under 20k with nice leather interior and a loud v8 with black tinted windows. If the car starts having engine problems, I'll throw 20 grand in it to get it running like brand new, much better than the sticker price of a new amg.
Frame damage messes up a car’s physical structure. You can have the fastest engine but without the chassis being geometrically correct, you don’t have a car
Taking part in this sort of behavior is called being/acting "nigger rich". Actual rich people don't think like this. You'll never make it.
mercedes is the best luxury car brand with the best sounding v8's in any car. I want to enjoy my money because I know my time on earth is limited. I also want to drive by cops and let them know that they'll never be able to afford to own a high maintenance Mercedes from their measly 2k a month paycheck.
Yeah you outed yourself as a nigger. Sad bro. Only thing you could have gone even more niggerish if you went for a white car
I'm white, mercedes is luxury, porsche is gay, mclaren is too expensive, lambo's are overrated. AMG doesn't get enough love.
Its not like some random beater where you can just slap on some new panels, the tolerance in a supercar is very small and it could have unseen internal damage that is irreparable. Its frame could be bent for example. I wouldnt touch that.
and if I can't find a nice cl63 amg mercedes in good condition in the usa, I'll just import a brabus cl63 from I'll just import a brabus cl63 straight from bottrop.
This Is a /o/ Question. Not Biz...
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The car is not the problem. Ever since pimp my ride any car mods signal nigger vibes.
You're gonna get raped by specialist repairs.
That’s just what you can see, nigger. Imagine all the other damage you’d find when you start tearing it down. The whole control arm assembly, shocks, springs, wheel, and all those sensors and other intricate pieces is not “minor damage”. Let me guess, you sit at home watching Tavarish and some other meme creator restore exotic cars and think how simple it is. Buy it so you’ll be wiped out when you see how much additional damage there is, not even counting for labor.
>Yea, I own the tools that are worth more than the car itself.
v8's are naturally deep and loud engines, tinted windows are style, it would be niggerized if I threw 28" rims on it with chrome. I wouldn't do that, but I will powdercoat them black.
Do not do this you fucking idiot
You’re going to end up spending more trying to figure out what the internal damage is and trying to fix then you would a brand new supercar
It's THAT fucked up and still over 100k????? How???