Only the super-rare cream colored ID's can save the oil crisis from taking hold.
>Give your energy in this thread
Only the super-rare cream colored ID's can save the oil crisis from taking hold
Fake news and gay. This is a made up conspiracy against Trump. My state will open this week.
Trump had lowest unemployment and best market in human history. He will go down in history as a giant.
Sorry SJWs, but not sorry.
>dirt cheap oil
shoo shoo Mahmood
Don’t see how it’s a crisis. Prices are low, time to buy no?
This means oil producers are paying to have someone store their excess oil
Fuck it, just let it happen.
I wanna see Dubai in flames.
Clement looks Cream colored roll
Kek wills it
Creamy boi here to save the day
fuck that i want a war
Oil is dead
I have come to save you, my children.
If my ID is red oil stays negative for the rest of the year
Oil going back up to 60+ a barrel no later than August
I curse oil and everyone in this thread. Oil will never recover and you will always be JUSTed
pee pee poo poo
Oil to -$100 tommorow.
Lose weight so you can stop driving your plastic gas-guzzling deathbox to the cuck supply store down the block, fatass.
oh boy! i sure hope i can save it!
Oh shit its fucked.
This is the truth
creamy creamy give it to my steamy
worldwide communism 2025
>April 20, 2010
>the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, considered the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry
>fast forward 10 years
Nothing can save us now, the stars are aligned.
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