Seeing how oil tanked today will the same happen to metals tomorrow when contracts expire?
Gold and Silver contracts expire tomorrow
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No. There’s no shortage of metals storage.
nope. silver is the safest and most redpilled buy you can make right now
yea in your fucking dreams. i wish gold was negative dollars. too bad that will never happen.
yes, just inverted
comex default incoming
Paniced tradera will try to get gold delivered. Silver too. There are 175 contracts per 1 oz in storage. This is going to be fun.
Its the opposite
No supply for silver or gold because of coofs, and a fuck ton of demand
>shiny rock bag holder
In the end... Shiff will really win? Wow, what a timeline.
If this thing really happens I wonder how long it will take? It seems like they have successfully made it impossible to buy large amounts of physical PMs so the general public can't get in on the fun.
>In the end... Shiff will really win?
Yeah, going off the gold standard was only temporary. This video is partly bullshit but quite amazing in ways.
if i buy a silver contract do I get silver?
>bag holder
>flirting w ath
pick exactly one, paperboy.
>quads of truth
reminder for the burgers, your president accepts shiny rocks
holy based I just realized the truth behind this statement thank you sir for saying it and may our SUTER bags be next to flirt
Yeah, im thinking we will rise. PM will go up when the paper value diminishes. Currently there is 110:1 silver gold ratio. Schiff and mike maloney are both spot on. We know this shit is manipulated massively. The longer the accumulation phase, larger the bull run, and look at silvers accumulation time.
he also said a few days ago speaking about the 1940s that the dollars were "strong strong dollars back then"
Doubt it. I see gold going up $200 over the next couple of months.
does gold work the same way? If I buy gold futures, I can then and go collect the gold? If it gets cheap as fuck, why wouldn't you buy some?
>a fuck ton of demand
how and why?
go on
Its more likely people will request delivery, there wont be any physical to take delivery of and pm prices mega moon.
I fucking hope not. I only started stacking a month ago and have a suicide stack. I was thinking about stacking since 2008 but never jumped in to it. Please Jerome reinflate the bubble for a few more years. I want to make it.
Gold to infinite dollars confirmed.
Also checked
You can try. But you have to realise this:
Meaning there is a lot more IOUs then there are assets backing it... Buy physical if you want physical...
You can stand for delivery if you own a big enough contract but they always have the option to pay you out in US dollars if they don't have the metal
What? DYOR newfag. You have had a lot of time to create your own opinion, if PM are worth the investment or not. Type into YT - mike maloney, he is based and woke af grandpa.
is there any advantage to buying futures over physical, like price? otherwise, where should i go to buy physical? a pawnshop? jeweler?
I work in the energy sector. How fucked am I?
The inflation adjustment on that chart is wrong. There's no way 850 dollars in 1980 is equal to 1800 in 2011
You can try buying firectly from people who are selling. Might be more expensive but you will get your shit the same day. Also look on the internet
There still might be massive deflation, meaning gold and silver prices go down so "someone" can accumulate. ((Them))
Lol no it’s all imaginary.
Please tell me crypto will moon when gold does
why would it? its more speculative than stocks ffs. 99.9% of the crypto market is a pure scam.
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