Find oil on property

>find oil on property
>property loses value

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Other urls found in this thread:

>find a gallon of motor oil in my garage
>lose money

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>start running my car in my garage all day
>gain money

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>use olive oil while cooking dinner
>5% down

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>fill up my car at the gas station
>attendant rushes out to pay me

Attached: a1c.jpg (730x783, 87.74K)

top kek OP

>go buy groceries from costco
>they force me to take a barrel of oil with it

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>have shed out back
>get paid millions to store oil now
>government confiscates shed for national storage use

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>Have acne
>Go bankrupt

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>find grease in neckgobble
>lose 15%

>take oily shits
>my car gets repossessed

Attached: suiseiseki-490.jpg (300x415, 29.52K)

>use oil based lubricant on my dick
>it shrinks until it's inside of my body

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>war in Iraq is an economic stimulus

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Top kek

>wait in line for loaf of bread
>receive 37 barrels of oil instead

Attached: when-no-means-im-confused-guiding-parents-sarah-wayland.jpg (835x575, 120.12K)

>lube up my asshole for pozbull
>boipussy turns inside out, forming a tesseract prolapse

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>breathe in gasoline

>buy oil tanker
>”here’re the keys, user! we decided to fill it up with oil for you. Our treat! You’re welcome!”

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Iran's WMDs suddenly disappear.
Bashar is a fine dude, it turns out.
US troops all home for July 4th.

The west is collapsing, recommend this

>own an oil tanker
>the driver was on the road when the crash hit
>he was so shocked he jerked the wheel and crashed the tanker causing all of the oil to be burned in the explosion
>now i just have some nice scrap metal to repurpose

thank fuck lads i dodged a bullet there

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>> bought a new Tesla in January
>> Can't tank gasoline and receive free cash
>> Lights go out as electricity bills have not been paid

Only in danger if you don't buy oil NOW

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>Companies are giving me $30 per barrel to dump it in the river.

>greasy ass pizza
>delivery guy tips you

You retards realize a future contract is not the same as the commodity itself.

>person who stole my car brings it back because it's a financial burden

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>"buy" 100 oil barrels for -$3,000
>dump the oil and sell the empty barrels for $15 each

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There are a lot of retards on biz

well people are trying to get rid of commodity itself right now, not future contracts for 2021

"The west"
That's quote a roundabout way of saying capitalism.

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>the year is 2027
>living on the outskirts of the ruins of cleveland in a gated city state made of shipping containers
>still living off link gains, pretty high in the hierarchy of the city state
>strike oil on your plot when doing routine electrical work
>the blockchain integrated covid-19 surveillance and contract tracing app in your neural link immediately senses the aerosolized droplets
>You pull the large red switch on your wall activating the faraday cage in the room and sink down against the wall sweating heavily
>15 minutes pass
>you begin to relax as the scent of oil fills the room gently
>The covid-19 surveillance app was able to send a chainlink input revealing the presence of the oil with 100% assurance before you could activate the faraday cage
>The secret police bust down the door and immedately drop you with a fentanyl spiked mesh lace immobilization bag.
>The oil appraiser comes in
>He's a short man, with flamboyant sunglasses and a leather duster
>He doesn't take the glasses off while he appraises your find even though the lighting in the room is very dim, which bothers you and adds insult to injury
>It's roughly 9 barrels
>You're immediately escorted to the gaswagon and executed, after which your estate is escheated to partially cover the 8 figure debt you incurred in discovering the oil

I can see it all now

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>have 1000 barrels delivered to chyna
>they have crippling sanctions levied against them for 1000 years and billions starve

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