clean energy is getting wrecked worse
She will probably be President one day.
shes a dumb cunt but here she's right
Classic "New Paradigm" talk. This will age like warm milk.
She's unironically correct and only fucking retards want to continue to build the global economy off a finite resource that triggers a market crisis every time demand decreases.
Oil literally should not be used outside specific industrial roles where renewable or alternative fuel sources are not yet up to par. For personal usage and general industrial activity renewables and alternatives such as biofuel are what we should invest in and transition to.
Relax, we will win. Dumb bitch bartenders never win.
But...it's not?
Cheap oil means more is burned and renewables are used less because they’re just as expensive.
I fucking hate leftists. They’re retarded.
>Cheap oil means more is burned
Yeah bro that really doesn't apply when demand has fallen this low.
We're not going to see usage normalise for literally months, oil is not suddenly going to bounce back naturally.
>oil is beyond free
>lets not use it and spend money on alternatives that don't really work yet
Only a Democrat could LOSE money right now.
Low demand applies just as much to renewables and has nothing to do with oil.
Except its impossible for that to happen. Does this bitch realize that gas powered vehicles is only a tiny fraction of the world's oil usage? Every single piece of plastic, every road, every roof on every house, etc is all made primarily out of oil. Lets take the case of rooftops for example (literally every system from shingles, to modbit granular, TPO, EPDM, PVC, etc). Its all made out of oil based products. Also, these producers have to be able to offer warranties on their products, which requires rigorous product testing. They can't just roll out some hemp-based shingle and warranty it for 15 years without literally years of development and product testing.
Its not as easy as just "lol we should move away from oil right now"
>implying the need for oil vanishes overnight because of a flu
AOC is the definition of kinda cute but an absolute moron. This is only going to trigger a gigantic rebound in oil prices later on. I think I'm starting to notice the mental logic of progressives, it's to push away making money because of some moral instinct that says it's predatory. Imagine if gold fell to negative prices and the government decided to give up on gold for copper.
Burned for what?
You can't just plonk down oil fuelled power plant and industry has ground to a halt. The entire US oil industry is about to go under. There's no demand, there's 14M barrels of oil being shipped over by the Saudis and storage is full worldwide. They're paying tankers $350,000 a day to sit at anchor with their holds full.
lmao the economy is fake and gay
Wouldn't this make way more sense if oil was, say, 5,000 a barrel? Why on Earth would you move away from an energy source that's becoming exponentially cheaper? Wtf
lol the amount of people who will be kicking themselves at the end of the summer, or are going to buy at the height of the rebound is going to be hilarious. Gonna be so many "shoulda bought oil stonks" threads
When one energy source is cheaper than another you use the cheaper one.
>believing leftism has anything to do with energy agenda
The US doesn't have real leftists. Environmentalist agendas are have nothing to do with leftism. Retard.
>fossil fuels cheaper right now
>this will somehow spur a transition to renewables
i think the opposite, this just set renewables back 20 years
Screenshot that one
People are stupid.
build more nuclear. we don't need unreliable chink made eyesore bullshit that is equally pollutive when taking into account the manufacturing process and depends entirely on the weather as more than light virtue signaling in liberal areas. it's not a worthwhile thing to base your economy on. this commie retard also has it backwards because it would be a better plan if fossil fuels were expensive than if they were cheap as they are now. I get why communist agents would want to push renewables though because they are so easily sabotaged. fuck off with that.
I'm not arguing for renewables? I'm wondering why oilmen should be happy when no one is using it?
>long term structural decline
that's not true in any sense whatsoever, fossil fuel usage continues to grow in leaps and bounds every year, this price collapse is the death of "green" energy though
China and japan are jizzing their pants at the thought of the west abandoning oil. The last developed economies who refuse to “go green” (commit suicide) will become the masters of the universe.
>build more nuclear.
kys commie
While not relying on oil is clearly the best alternative on the long run, with the technology we have today, we can't replace oil use in aviation or maritime transport. Therefore we still got a couple of years ahead before oil goes o solete.
I’m not saying they should be happy. Many will go out of business. But since oil is so cheap there is zero incentive to switch to an alternative therefore ensuring oil’s use for tens of decades.
>tfw totally forgot that this ruined the green energy "economy" for the near future
>college boards are saying Biden's free college plan couldn't even happen thanks to states in the pandemic
Is there going to be anything left for the left to run on in November?
From a consumer side, low prices are good.
From an industry side, people are going to have to transition hard in order to stay afloat. You might've seen those articles about oil companies buying BTC mining rigs -- this process will accelerate and diversify the efforts to move away from oil because they can't make money in oil.
The strides solar and wind have made in cost-efficacy is absurd. I agree with AOC, but suspect that it will be market forces leading the effort and not government incentive projects (though they could be a factor, just not the main thrust)
read The entire construction and manufacturing industries from top to bottom would need to be changed entirely. This takes decades not years
read a book you fucking chink spook
So when they close up US shale and the country needs to rely on it in the future when all of this calms down, they should rely on foreign sources?
Or is it possible to quickly shut down or reopen Shale? As I understand it, it is more economical to keep oil pumping even if it's at a huge loss.
all my buddies got laid off, now were gonna work at amazon.
fuck oil
cant wait for my tesla truck
retard, the chinks are the one who build nuclear plants for other countries
you're literally a chink shill, back behind your firewall zhang
>buying BTC rigs to hedge oil
>BTC about to crash as hard as oil
Nobody more kekd than someone who took this route
Don’t agree with what she says most of the time but she’s definitely on that trajectory popularity wise. That being said if she doesn’t run as soon as she legally can she won’t be president. The longer she waits the greater the chance she fucks up or people just lose interest.
Shale oil wells can be easily reopened. When the companies that own them now go out of business bigger companies will buy their assets, wells, and pump them whenever it’s economical to do so.
>oil literally free
>let’s abandon it as a source of energy
Can someone explain to me this line of thinking?
>Having a breakdown because some dumb Soros backed hole has a dumb opinion
Get off the ledge, user. Things will be fine. This is the dumb cooze who said the world would end in 12 years then had to walk it back when she got ridiculed.
Is she braindead?
No shot
grab a brain
>. I think I'm starting to notice the mental logic of progressives, it's to push away making money because of some moral instinct that says it's predatory
You're on to something there